Nothing says ‘thank you for a lifetime of hard work’ like a 38% goodbye tax.                        
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Nothing says ‘thank you for a lifetime of hard work’ like a 38% goodbye tax.

Dems Want to Squeeze the Dead Even Harder—Because 16% Just Wasn’t Enough

Democrats in Olympia are at it again, this time with a proposal to jack up Washington’s already punishing estate tax. HB 2019, sponsored by Rep. Chipalo Street, D-Seattle, would hike the top rate from 16% to a staggering 38%—because nothing says “progress” like making it even harder to pass down a family business.

Republicans were on board with raising the estate tax exemption to $3 million, but they weren’t too keen on the part where Democrats make sure to grab an even bigger chunk of what’s left. Rep. Cyndy Jacobsen, R-Puyallup, pointed out the obvious: the wealthy can—and will—leave. But Street? He’s convinced that if Democrats just “invest” the money in services rich people like, they’ll happily stick around and hand over their life’s work to the taxman. Bold strategy.

Of course, Washington already has the worst estate tax in the nation, and yet Bob Ferguson—who supposedly promised “no new taxes”—isn’t saying a word against this blatant money grab. Meanwhile, Republican Minority Leader John Braun summed it up perfectly: this bill somehow makes one of the most outrageous death taxes in the country even worse. Impressive, really. Read more at Center Square.


Democrats’ Never-Ending Quest to Tax You Per Mile—Because the Gas Tax Just Wasn’t Enough

Democrats just can’t let bad ideas die. Despite the road usage charge (RUC) bills failing to clear committee, House Transportation Chair Jake Fey, D-Tacoma, is still clinging to hope. His bill, HB 1921, starts off “voluntary” (because that’s always how these things begin) before inevitably becoming mandatory, charging drivers per mile driven. And just for fun, it tacks on a 10% extra fee to fund transit projects—because squeezing every dime from taxpayers is never enough.

The good news? It stalled. The bad news? It could still be resurrected, thanks to Democrats’ favorite budgeting trick: slapping the “necessary to implement the budget” label on it. Rep. Andrew Barkis, R-Chehalis, sees the writing on the wall, warning that some version of this mess might sneak through.

Despite over a decade of so-called studies and pilot programs, the RUC remains a logistical and privacy nightmare. Tracking mileage without infringing on privacy? Still a problem. Making sure funds actually go to roads instead of transit pet projects? Another problem. Yet, instead of fixing these glaring issues, Democrats want to ram through a half-baked plan and figure out the details later—because that’s worked so well in the past.

Oh, and where’s Fey? Silent, of course. Probably hoping no one notices this latest attempt to nickel-and-dime drivers into submission. Read more at Center Square.


Pramila Jayapal’s Hypocrisy: When ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’ Is Convenient

Pramila Jayapal, queen of performative outrage, loves to clutch her pearls over “dangerous rhetoric” — unless it’s coming from her own mouth. As KTTH’s Jason Rantz reports, at a Seattle town hall, she spewed conspiracy-laden nonsense, claiming Elon Musk is part of some “far-right, authoritarian, white ultranationalist” plot, a line designed to whip her base into a frenzy. This is the same Jayapal who constantly calls on her supporters to “take to the streets” and “fight tooth and nail,” yet refuses to acknowledge how that rhetoric can lead to actual violence. Meanwhile, left-wing media gives her a pass, because apparently, unhinged fear-mongering is fine as long as it’s aimed at Trump or Musk. If she were a Republican, the press would be screaming about incitement—funny how that works. Read more at KTTH.


Keeping American Farmland Out of Communist Hands—Newhouse Leads the Charge

In some relevant national news, WA Republican Rep. Dan Newhouse is taking a stand for national security and American farmers with his reintroduced bills to stop the Chinese Communist Party from buying up U.S. farmland. The Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2025 and the No American Land for Communist China Act would strengthen oversight and prevent China from acquiring land near military bases and critical infrastructure. Newhouse rightly points out that allowing our greatest geopolitical adversary to scoop up American land is a direct threat to food security and national defense. With bipartisan support and Republicans controlling Congress, these bills have a real shot at becoming law. Read more at


Drive Like a Jerk? Get Ready to Pay Up

SB 5705, a bipartisan bill, is cracking down on bad drivers by doubling fines for repeat offenders who can’t seem to stop tailgating, speeding, or scrolling through their phones behind the wheel. If you think school zones and crosswalks are the place to test your luck, get ready for even steeper penalties. The bill, which just cleared the Senate Transportation Committee, sends a clear message—if you can’t drive responsibly, your wallet is going to feel it. Read more at NonStop Local.


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