Update: Emergency response in Gaza
Dear John,
I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has donated to support our humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza. Every delivery—from food and water to baby formula, diapers, hygiene kits, blankets, and other essentials—is a lifeline. And each is only possible because of the kindness and generosity of supporters like you.
As a Quaker organization partnering with people of all faiths and backgrounds, AFSC believes that every person has the Light of the divine within them. Our work is grounded in a deep commitment to human rights and dignity.
For the last 17 months, our team in Gaza has been living out that commitment in service to others. With the temporary ceasefire enacted last month, they took a brief respite and returned to their communities. Little is left of their homes and neighborhoods. They are among the many Palestinians walking miles each day for water. And today they are also among the many facing an impending winter storm without adequate shelter or heat.
We are now preparing to relaunch humanitarian operations. We are networking with local partners to source and distribute lifesaving food and water, provide essential goods and services, and help build conditions for lasting peace.
If it is within your means, please donate today to help to fund the next phase of our emergency response. [link removed] Every gift makes a difference.
In peace,
Kerri Kennedy
Associate General Secretary for International Programs
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American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States
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