From New Video @ The Lincoln Project <[email protected]>
Subject MAGA didn’t think about you
Date February 21, 2025 8:34 PM
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It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

RFK Jr. is mentally unfit, grossly underqualified, and simply too dangerous to be in charge of this nation’s health.

RFK Jr. is our Secretary of Health and Human Services for one reason and one reason only. 

Donald Trump owed him a favor, and MAGA senators caved.

<[link removed]>

It makes sense. This is what they were always going to do.

They don’t care about their constituents. They just care about Donald Trump. He's the only reason they even bother to show up for votes anymore.

Every senator who voted to confirm RFK Jr. violated their oath of office. They slapped the people who voted them into office in the face. They went against everything our forefathers believed in, and chose a conman over their country.

When RFK Jr. screws up, we’ll be there. And we won’t forget who helped him take office. Help us make sure the voters don’t forget either >> <[link removed]>

<[link removed]>SPREAD THE WORD <[link removed]>

-The Lincoln Project

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