From Rick Wilson <[email protected]>
Subject Remember why this is happening
Date February 26, 2025 8:51 PM
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Well, the budget cuts resolution passed.

So hey, credit where credit is due.

The GOP managed to do what they do best: Make a process that should've taken a few days take several weeks AND lay the framework for screwing over paycheck-to-paycheck families in the process. Well done.

Remember, this was supposed to be the easy part. Deciding on a budget traditionally takes no time. But because this country is headed up by dumb and dumber (Trump and Elon), we had the Speaker of the House quite literally “begging for prayers” yesterday. I’m starting to see a common theme here.

Death, taxes, and Trump and Elon being responsible for a government screwup. This is all one big money/power grab for them. Government time wasting, widespread inflation, thousands of layoffs, corporate price gouging, it’s all because of them. They don’t care that the common American is suffering, they care about giving themselves tax breaks and government contracts. 

And speaking of the common American, this budget framework was just the tip of the iceberg. Remember, these clowns have to figure out how to fund the government in JUST TWO WEEKS. That means coming together and making sure federal employees continue to get paychecks but also incorporating Trump and Elon’s tax cuts for billionaires. Sounds tricky.

I’d like to say I’m confident in the orange guy who holds the record for longest government shutdown and his band of incompetent henchmen, but why lie? Trump and Elon are going to butcher this and not even care about it. That’s where we come in.

What we’re doing right now is laying in the weeds. You know what really makes people mad? Continuing to work, not receiving paychecks and paying the highest grocery prices they’ve ever seen. We’re watching this scenario unfold, and in this case, the only thing to blame is the nightmare duo that is Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Our job here is to make sure every last American knows who to hold accountable. The more voters who know just how badly Trump and Elon are screwing everybody, the better chance we have at ripping some power from them in less than two years.

We’re being patient, and when the time comes, we’ll pounce. Help us stockpile so we’re ready for battle in a couple weeks >> <[link removed]>

<[link removed]>EXPOSE TRUMP AND ELON <[link removed]>


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