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February 26, 2025
Take Action!
Contact Your Senators to Ask Them to Protect Women & Girls in Sports
Title IX was enacted more than fifty years ago to give women and girls equal access to educational opportunities including the ability to compete on their own sports teams. Over a year ago, the Biden administration’s Department of Education rewrote the Title IX regulations to gut these protections by redefining ‘sex’ to include so-called ‘gender identity’. This opened the door to allowing biological men and boys to compete against girls and gave them access to girls’ private areas like bathrooms and showers. Despite scientific evidence and countless examples where this has been extremely harmful to girls, the Left forced this perversion of the original law on schools and universities. Now we need your help to overturn this policy permanently.
President Donald Trump made this issue a major campaign promise, motivating voters of all political stripes. Last month, the President issued an executive order ([link removed]) to keep his promise, and the House has already passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act (H.R. 28) ([link removed]) . It is time for the Senate to act!
Girls and women have suffered by losing scholarships and awards, receiving life-threatening injuries, and being forced to share locker rooms and bathrooms with male athletes. If the Senate drags its feet and refuses to codify the Trump executive order, our daughters will be at risk from transgender ideologues under a future administration.
The Senate NEEDS to hear from you. Please contact your Senators and ask them to support S. 9, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports. Contact both Republican and Democratic Senators as this is an issue with nearly 80% public support ([link removed]) .
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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