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United States Census Bureau [ [link removed] ]
Data.census.gov Newsletter – February 2025
The new “Delete All Variables” button on the Census Data Platform [ [link removed] ]
In January, we introduced a few updates to enhance your experience on data.census.gov [ [link removed] ]. These updates are a part of our ongoing efforts to make the site easier to use and more efficient, incorporating valuable feedback from our users.
*What's New?*
*For the Microdata Access Tool **(MDAT)**, we’ve introduced a few enhancements:*
* *New “Delete All Variables” Button:* In the cart tab, you’ll now find a button that allows you to quickly delete all selected variables.
* *Improved Continuous Variable Messaging:* After selecting a continuous variable, a message will appear at the top of the screen reminding you that the variable may need to be recoded in the cart.
* *Enhanced PUMA Labels in Tables:* Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) labels have been improved. Five-digit PUMA codes now display automatically in the table when using geography variables such as PUMA10, PUMA20, MIGPUMA, or POWPUMA.
*Charts Tab Improvement:*
* In the Charts tab, we’ve renamed the “*Attributes*” button to “*Filters*” for better clarity. While the name has changed, the functionality of the button remains the same.
*Maps Update:*
* We’ve updated map colors for geographies with no data. These geographies are now displayed in dark gray, making it easier to distinguish between areas with no data and those that have not been selected.
*Additional Updates:*
* * Clickable FTP Links:* We’ve made enhancements that now allow links in the Notes section of the FTP site, making it easier to access files.
* *Updated Population Pyramid Data:* The Population Pyramid application is now driven by the most recent 2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, providing you with the latest available data.
*Learn More* [ [link removed] ]
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Featured Video Tutorial
*Mapping 2020 Census Supplemental DHC Data on data.census.gov [ [link removed] ]*
Sam Patton speaks about Mapping 2020 Census Supplemental DHC Data on the Census Data Platform. [ [link removed] ]
Learn how to map data from the 2020 Census Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File on data.census.gov.
*More Videos* [ [link removed] ]
Featured Question
*How Do I Navigate Between Different Pages?*
Navigating data.census.gov can feel tricky if you're unfamiliar with its layout and features. To make things easier, we've put together tips and tricks to help you understand the basics. Our step-by-step directions [ [link removed] ] will walk you through the process and help you explore options.
*Learn More* [ [link removed] ]
Questions or comments? Email us <
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For more guidance on data availability and using data.census.gov, the Census API, and Microdata Access, visit our Resources page [ [link removed] ].
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Recent Releases
*January 7*
*2023 American Community Survey 1-Year Supplemental Data Profiles for Congressional Redistricting [ [link removed] ]*
*January 16*
*Incremental Developmental Code Release [ [link removed] ]*
*January 23*
*2022 Economic Census: Manufacturing: E-Commerce Statistics for the U.S. [ [link removed] ] *
*January 23*
*2023 ACS 5-Year Estimates Public Use Microdata Sample * [ [link removed] ]
*More Releases* [ [link removed] ]
*About data.census.gov [ [link removed] ]*
Data.census.gov [ [link removed] ] is the primary platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. We continuously update data.census.gov [ [link removed] ] with new data from our most popular survey and programs, as well as system enhancements to improve your experience on the platform.
We’re here to help with your data needs:
* Visit our data.census.gov Resources page [ [link removed] ] for educational materials
* Learn about Microdata Access [ [link removed] ] and the Census Data API [ [link removed] ]
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This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us ([link removed] [ [link removed] ]).
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