From David Dayen, The American Prospect <[email protected]>
Subject The Washington Post just announced a rightward turn. Here's our response.
Date February 26, 2025 7:52 PM
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No matter who is in charge, we're going to relentlessly pursue our mission of analyzing and reporting on Ideas, Politics, and Power. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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If you haven't heard, The Washington Post just made a stunning announcement about
their opinion section [link removed]. Guided by their billionaire owner Jeff Bezos, they are now committed to writing "every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets."?? This represents a significant rightward shift, clearly designed to appease Trump, Musk, and the new regime in Washington.

I find this deeply troubling. But I'm not surprised.

Trump himself said it best: "The first term, everybody was fighting me. In this term, everybody wants to be my friend." All around us, we're watching media institutions capitulate in real time. And now, The Washington Post reframing their entire opinion section around conservative talking points. When the Post talks about "personal liberties," we know that really means supporting Trump's attacks on diversity rather than preserving?? minority rights. When they champion "free markets," we
understand the goal: tax cuts for the wealthy and dismantling the social safety net.

The American Prospect has no interest in being Donald Trump's-or any politician's-friend. Our loyalty is to you, our readers, and to the values we've championed for over three decades. No matter who is in charge, we're going to relentlessly pursue our mission of analyzing and reporting on Ideas, Politics, and Power. Who has power, how they wield it, and what that means for the average American.

What allows us to maintain this independence when other outlets are folding? It's simple: we don't have a hedge fund owner or corporate board demanding we appease the powerful. We're supported by readers like you. Readers like you who keep our articles free to read, readers like you who don't want us to capitulate or kowtow.

Our publisher and I have been working on a strategic plan that makes sure we can maintain this independence. While many media outlets are making calculated business
decisions to shift rightward, we're doubling down on our commitment to fearless, independent journalism.With the new administration openly threatening journalists and pursuing lawsuits against media outlets they dislike, our work has never been more urgent or more at risk. Can you make a donation to The American Prospect today?

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Your support will directly fund our reporting, analysis, and the development of a new generation of reporters through our renowned writing fellowship program. While other outlets are retreating, we're advancing.

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In times
like these, independent progressive journalism isn't just valuable, it's essential. Thank you for standing with us.

With determination,

David Dayen

Executive Editor, The American Prospect

P.S. Based on our financial projections, we need to grow our individual donor base significantly this year to expand our capacity for reporting at this critical time. Your donation today helps us build a sustainable future for progressive journalism when it's needed most.

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