Politics is cutthroat. One tactic is insidious and effective: DARVO—Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. Though often described in the context of Cluster B personality types, DARVO is more than just a psychopathology. It’s a strategic weapon wielded by those who seek to seize control of the narrative, silence their opponents, and dominate the public discourse.
It’s no wonder. Politics selects for sociopaths.
Those who deploy DARVO don’t just deflect blame—they invert reality. They deny wrongdoing, attack those who challenge them, and claim to be the real victims. But this is no ordinary deflection. It’s an unwholesome maneuver designed to keep adversaries on the defensive while rallying allies through manufactured grievance. Even if their victim status is justified, they will magnify their victimhood and minimize their turpitude.