Ever since the MAGA crew took power in Washington, they’ve made it abundantly clear that they aren’t interested in bipartisanship.

Yet now that Mike Johnson and Donald Trump are being put to the test, they’re already suggesting they’ll need our help to pass a budget and keep the government open.

Well I have news for them: I won’t enable the GOP’s far-right agenda, I won’t bail the Republicans out of their own mess, and I won’t come to the rescue of spineless men like Mike Johnson ever again.

But I know the Republican pressure campaign is only going to ramp up over the next few weeks, so I’m reaching out to you personally to ask for your support at this critical moment. Will you help me and my Democratic colleagues stand united against MAGA Republicans by chipping in $5, $10, or more right now -- split with iVote Fund?

$5 »
$15 »
$50 »
Other »

The last few years have shown us that Republicans are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of governing.

I don’t recall Speaker Nancy Pelosi having these problems when she ran the show. In fact, she helped achieve historic progress with a similarly slim majority.

Maybe MAGA Republicans just need a woman to help them out (you know… diversity and all).

Either way, I can tell you one thing for certain: This woman won’t be helping them out this time.

If you’re proud to stand with me at this pivotal moment, then rush in $5, $10, or more right now -- split with iVote Fund. Let’s show Republicans just how united we are and just how much trouble they’re in. >>

$5 »
$15 »
$50 »
Other »

Thank you,


iVote was created in 2014 with one goal: secure voting rights for all Americans.

Rather than take on challenges in the court after unfair laws have passed, iVote plays defense on voter suppression efforts AND goes on offense to secure and expand access to voting.

Going on offense is critical. We have the chance to elect Secretaries of State that will protect our elections for years to come. But Republicans are already suppressing and blocking certain citizens from exercising their fundamental right to vote.


We need a massive coalition to register new voters and protect our right to vote in this election and beyond.

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