Southern Company Announces Net-Zero Carbon Emissions Goal
Southern Company at its annual stakeholder meeting on Wednesday announced an emissions reduction goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Southern Company is one of the largest producers of electricity in the United States and the largest wholesale provider in the Southeast. Read more
Corporations are taking action to reduce emissions and meet evolving customer and investor demands. In addition to Southern Company, many of America’s other largest electric utilities, from North Carolina-based Duke Energy to Minnesota-based Xcel Energy, have committed to similar reductions. According to the Smart Electric Power Alliance, 68% of all electricity customer accounts in the country are now served by a utility with a significant carbon emissions reduction goal, and 20 of the 48 companies setting goals are for net-zero or carbon-free power by 2050.
“Private industry taking big, bold steps with market-based solutions that will also make sense for consumers,which is the right path to deep decarbonization. But we should also continue advocating for sound public policy at the federal and state levels that advances technology and innovation. This includes new nuclear technologies, effective ways to capture carbon emissions, and longer lasting energy storage.”

Long-Awaited 45Q Credit Rule Released
On Thursday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released long-awaited proposed rules on how project developers can qualify for carbon capture tax credits known as 45Q by securely storing or utilizing carbon captured from power plants, industrial facilities and the atmosphere. Supplementing guidance issued in February, the proposed rules with a 60-day comment period moves the process forward and provides a clear signal to project developers that the IRS will finalize the regulations. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday the regulations will help provide certainty to businesses seeking to claim the credit and provide an incentive for the safe and secure geologic storage of carbon dioxide. Read

Let’s Show the World We’re Serious About Nuclear Energy
A lot has changed since the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) was signed into law in 2018. NEICA directed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to determine the need for a specific kind of nuclear testing capabilities here in America. You may be shocked to know that some U.S. nuclear energy companies send fuel and materials overseas for testing. If that is shocking, then you’re never going to believe where. Russia.
Read ClearPath’s latest blog on why we need the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR), Let’s Show the World We’re Serious About Nuclear Energy, by Nuclear Program Director Niko McMurray.
Web Event Today: Bold Strategy For Nuclear Energy Leadership
Join top leaders from The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Industry, ClearPath, the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and other stakeholders to discuss the Administration's Nuclear Fuel Working Group Report, which outlines a Strategy to Restore American Nuclear Energy Leadership.
Register here for the event next Friday, May 29: “Trump Administration Strategy to Restore American Nuclear Energy Leadership: A DOE and Industry Discussion.”
Read more about what’s in the report

Canadian Hydropower Put to Use in the U.S.
New York announced Wednesday the state will expedite treatment of a $3 billion transmission line that would bring hydropower from Quebec to New York City. Read more

Could Nuclear Be the Key to Sustaining Puerto Rico’s Electricity?
The Nuclear Alternative Project (NAP), supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, published the preliminary feasibility study of small modular reactors and microreactors for Puerto Rico. Read the report
The Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) and American Nuclear Society ANS are also hosting an event Clean Nuclear Energy for Industry: The Case for SMRs and Microreactors in Puerto Rico to discuss a recently released feasibility report.
Register here
National Carbon Capture Center to Add Direct Air Capture to Scope
The National Carbon Capture Center team, which includes Southern Company, announced a major expansion of carbon capture testing for natural gas power plants, and the Center’s future scope of work is expected to include Direct Air Capture (DAC) technologies. Read more
CRES Launches Clean Energy Forward Campaign
The Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions have launched Clean Energy Forward, an advertising and promotional campaign advocating for clean energy jobs to be a centerpiece of the United States’ economic recovery from COVID-19. See the campaign here
Happening Today at NOON: DOE is hosting an event at noon, Trump Administration Strategy to Restore American Nuclear Energy Leadership: A DOE and Industry Discussion. Register here
June 1: The Fast Reactor Working Group: is hosting an event at 2:00pm with Oklo, TerraPower, Idaho National Lab, and Argonne National Lab to discuss the shift to fast fission technologies. Register here
June 2: The release of the documentary, Juice: How Electricity Explains the World.
June 4: The Global CCS Institute is hosting a webinar: The Technology Cost Curve at 9:00am to discuss the 19 large-scale facilities, and many other smaller scale projects and installations utilizing carbon capture technology as well as a series of FEED studies which demonstrate lower costs for established technologies. Register here
June 18: Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) and the American Nuclear Society (ANS) are hosting an event, Clean Nuclear Energy for Industry: The Case for SMRs and Microreactors in Puerto Rico to discuss a recently released feasibility report. More details and register here