Illinois e-News Release
February 26, 2025
Cayli Baker
Office: (312) 793-8841
ICC backs legislative effort to crack down on predatory towers
Springfield, IL – On Wednesday, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) joined Senator Celina Villanueva and Representative Will Davis to unveil legislation to reform the Illinois Commercial Safety Towing Law and crack down on predatory towing practices. ICC Chief of Police Ruben Ramirez Jr. joined the lawmakers at a Springfield press conference to express support for the enforcement changes.
“As ICC Chief of Police for the last five years, predatory towing operations have been a consistent thorn in our side. My officers conduct weekly joint details to catch irresponsible towers in the act, and our agency has raised violation fines, but we’re limited with what we can do in our enforcement efforts,” said ICC Police Chief Ruben Ramirez Jr. “Instead of fining the same bad actors again and again, the ICC needs stronger enforcement tools to stop predatory towers from being able to tow peoples’ cars in the first place.”
Repeat offenders have racked up hundreds-of-thousands in fines with the ICC, with one company alone reaching more than $143,000 in citations. Bad actors leave these fines unpaid, continue their illegal operations, and even go on to reregister under a new business name.
"Chicagoans have dealt with unchecked towing practices for far too long. Senate Bill 2040 cracks down on bad actors who exploit gaps in the law and put drivers at risk,” said State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago). “This legislation sends a clear message: predatory towing will no longer be tolerated in Illinois."
“Unscrupulous towers monitor police radios, hear an accident dispatch, and swoop in to prey on traumatized drivers. Too often, my office receives a call from a panicked constituent who’s fallen victim to this exact scenario or who’s now unable to retrieve their car. It has to stop,” said State Representative Will Davis (D-East Hazel Crest).
Senate Bill 2040 is designed to crack down on bad actors by:
- Impounding tow trucks that violate state safety tow laws,
- Revoking license plates for tow trucks with unpaid fines,
- Preventing known violators from reregistering under a new business name,
- Registering business and storage locations with proof of ownership/lease,
- Limiting tow locations to registered storage lots, licensed repair shops, or the motorist’s requested location,
- Prohibiting tow operators from placing liens against essentials left in a vehicle, such as car seats, medical devices, and identifying documents, and
- Barring any applicant making false statements from holding a commercial vehicle safety relocator registration for three years.
“Wreck chasers give the entire towing industry a bad name. The ICC Police have been trying to crack down on predatory towers for years, but they need better legal tools for the job,” said, Professional Towing & Recovery Operators of Illinois General Counsel Rory McGinty. “Legitimate safety towers provide an important service to motorists after they’ve been in an accident or break down roadside. Our industry wants to see accountability for the bad actors who are gaming the system and taking business away from legitimate towers. We applaud and support the Illinois Commerce Commission’s efforts to address this ongoing problem.”
The Illinois Commercial Safety Towing Law imposes safety measures on towing companies that relocate damaged or disabled vehicles. In 2013, a federal court preempted several of its provisions, preventing the ICC from regulating price, route, or service.
Existing law requires counties to opt-in to regulation with the ICC. Currently, tow companies operating in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Will, and Winnebago counties are required to register with the ICC.
About the Illinois Commerce Commission
The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is a quasi-judicial body made up of five Commissioners. Through its Public Utility Program, the Commission oversees the provision of adequate, reliable, efficient, and safe utility services at the least possible cost to Illinois citizens served by electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, and sewer public utility companies. Through its Transportation Regulatory Program, the Commission oversees public safety and consumer protection programs with regard to intrastate commercial motor carriers of general freight, household goods movers, relocation towers, safety towers, personal property warehouses, and repossession agencies. The Commission’s Rail Safety Program also inspects and regulates the general safety of railroad tracks, facilities, and equipment in the state.
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