Indivisible SF Newsletter
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Indivisible SF
Indivisible SF joins Stand Up for Science for a rally on Friday, March 7 at 1 PM at Civic Center.
Find the most up-to-date information here.

The budget fight is upon us. No Democratic-party votes for Trumpism!

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Trump/Musk's unilateral and unconstitutional assertion of authority to slash budgets and impound (refuse to spend) legally authorized funds nullifies the congressional "Power of the Purse." And by doing so, destroys the Constitutional checks-and-balances on which our democracy rests.

This presents the most dangerous political-constitutional crisis since the depths of the Great Depression of the 1930s and the rise of domestic fascism. And if Trump/Musk are not stopped, American democracy will face the gravest threat since the slave-holder rebellion of the Civil War.

But Congress still has the power to push back by refusing to enact budget-related legislation that finances the Trump/Musk coup.

Call, write, email, or text your representative and senators and in your own words tell them to use every procedural tool possible to slow down House and Senate business and expose Republican complicity.

Stop BOP from Putting Trans Women in Men’s Prisons

The Bureau of Prisons is the federal agency that runs federal prisons across the country. These facilities are segregated by gender, in part for the safety of those inmates.

Under Trump, the BOP is looking to move trans inmates who are currently in facilities that align with their gender over to facilities according to their birth-assigned sex—so, moving trans women to men’s prisons and vice versa. This will subject those inmates to sexual and other violence purely for being trans. Their access to gender-affirming healthcare (particularly hormone therapy) will also be cut off.

This is a nakedly anti-trans move that is part of implementing Trump’s anti-trans executive order. People in the government’s care should be protected, not exposed to even greater violence that can’t be undone.

Call your senators and tell them to obstruct the Senate Judiciary Committee to make BOP stop this.


The State Department is targeting trans people with changes to passport rules. Public Comment now!

The U.S. State Department is quietly trying to roll back our rights, starting with targeting trans people by preventing them from getting accurate documents and singling them out in the documentation process.

Proposed changes to passport forms (DS-11, DS-82, and DS-5504) would force passports to reflect sex assigned at birth instead of their actual lived gender. This is a direct attack on trans rights, and we need to fight back.

Public comments matter. Government agencies are legally required to review and respond to public feedback before implementing policy changes. If you can share a story that shows how you have been or would be harmed by this policy, this can help head off bad policies or give tools to the plaintiffs who’ll sue over them. This is our chance to create a record of resistance and show that these proposed changes are harmful, unscientific, and unacceptable.

Submit your public comment to defend trans people’s ability to submit accurate passport forms.

Tell Mayor Lurie: Hands off MUNI!

MUNI is considering cutting service this summer in hopes of meeting a budget shortfall. We need to raise awareness over this serious issue, because the federal government will no longer be helping us meet the needs of our public transportation system.

For more information about the cuts being threatened, visit

Call Mayor Lurie and tell him: NO to MUNI Cuts!


Want to see an improved and equitable media landscape? Join our Media Accountability & Balance Team!

We have a new breakout group: Media Accountability & Balance. We had our first orientation meeting in January and a second just last week. Join us at next month’s in-person meeting (date and place TBA) to get started! Check out the Media Accountability Team’s latest blog post here.


From the State & Local Team: What issues are important to you?

Our state & local team has relaunched and are working hard to organize a powerful, sustained progressive movement in San Francisco! They’re looking for your feedback: what issues are most important to you?

If you missed the last survey, now’s your chance to also tell us who your Supervisor is. It’s very helpful for us to know the breakdown of which districts are most represented in ISF.

Fill out the Google Form here. 

If you’re interested and on our Slack, please join the “#local_and_state_action” channel in Slack, and add your information to the Google sheet pinned to that channel.

If you’re not on our Slack workspace and would like to join, come to our next meeting (date TBA) and we’ll get you plugged in.


Act now: Get your free COVID-19 tests before it’s too late

Now that Robert Kennedy has been confirmed as Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, the sword of Damocles hangs over the free COVID-19 tests program. The Chronicle reports that they’ve backed off of plans to end the program for now, but they could reverse that decision at any time.

If you haven’t ordered yours yet since the current drop opened in September, you should order yours right now.

Want to help us do this work?

We can help plug you in where your skills will do the most good to help resist this administration.

If you would like to join and do important work with us, we welcome you! Currently we are especially in need of volunteers to help with the following:
  • Managing our social media, creating posts and graphics.
  • Making short-form videos to help educate people on our topics in an accessible way.
  • Tracking federal, state and local legislation and working with our state and local legislatures and Mayor Lurie. 
  • Organizing our protests and other in-person actions.

No experience is needed, we will train you and provide everything you need. If you would like to help us, please contact us at [email protected].
TODAY: Public Comment with Voices for Public Transportation at the MTC Meeting: Wed, Feb 26 starting 9:35 AM, Bay Area Metro Center and Virtual. Join voices for Public Transportation to speak up at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to save our public transit. More info on our website.

Phone Bank with Common Cause to stop the SAVE Act: Tuesday, Mar 4, and Thursday, Mar 6, 5 - 7 PM: Join Common Cause for an important phone bank as we mobilize voters to take action against the dangerous SAVE Act and advocate for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. RSVP via Mobilize.

Town Hall with Senator Scott Wiener at Manny’s: Tuesday, Mar 4, 7 PM - 8:15 PM: Join State Senator Scott Wiener and Joe Eskenazi for a discussion on local and federal issues affecting San Francisco. RSVP here.

District 2 Public Safety Town Hall with Supervisor Sherrill, DA Brooke Jenkins, SFPD Chief Bill Scott, Thursday Mar 6, 5:30 - 6:30 PM: Join Sup.Sherrill of D2, DA Brooke Jenkins, and Police Chief Bill Scott for a D2 Public Safety Town Hall. This is your chance to speak out on criminal justice and other issues facing our city. RSVP here. 

Stand Up for Science 2025 Rally: Friday, March 7, 1 - 3 PM at Civic Center Plaza: Join Stand Up for Science and Indivisible SF to fight back against MAGA's war on science and research and hear from scientists. See the most up-to-date information on their Eventbrite.

“Democracy Noir” screening at the Roxie Theater, Wednesday, Mar 12, 6:30 PM: The movie follows three courageous women—opposition politician Timea, journalist Babett, and nurse Nikoletta (Niko)—who fight relentlessly to expose the lies and corruption embedded in Viktor Orbán’s government in Hungary.. Buy tickets here.

About this week’s photo

If you’ve seen our newsletter posts on social media, you might have noticed that we include a photo or graphic with each issue.

Today’s graphic is an original graphic calling for our members of Congress to stand up to MAGA in the budget fight.
Additional graphics are for calling your Members of Congress to oppose Bureau of Prisons' anti-trans moves and public comment for anti-trans passport changes, as well as the Stand Up for Science rally graphic.

Keep Fighting,

The Indivisible SF Team
If you'd like to support our all-volunteer team:
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1661 15th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

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