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It’s still hard to believe this is happening. Right now, North Carolina is in a legal battle that could overturn the results of a state supreme court election.
State supreme court candidate Jefferson Griffin has continued to contest his 2024 election loss to incumbent Justice Allison Riggs — challenging more than 60,000 legally cast ballots — even after having his arguments rejected in a state court.
Justice Riggs’ victory has been confirmed by two separate recounts. Why are some partisan forces in North Carolina willing to disenfranchise its own citizens to win this seat on the state supreme court?
This outcome of this ruling — and this race — could have major implications for future elections. Griffin explicitly named protecting future partisan gerrymanders as a reason he ran for the seat in the first place. If there’s a conservative majority on the court for the upcoming redistricting cycle, it could mean another decade of manipulated maps.
And if this playbook works in North Carolina, extremists could repeat it across the country — silencing the will of the people in the name of gaining power.
One thing is clear: far-right extremists want to drag us down a dangerous path. Now’s the time to scale up our efforts advocating for fair districts and fair representation for voters in North Carolina and across the nation.
John, we can’t afford to downplay the gravity of this moment. Please rush a donation to ensure we can keep blocking extremists from threatening our democracy. We’re going to need all hands on deck. → [link removed]
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The All On The Line Team
All On The Line [[link removed]] is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.
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