From Free Speech For People <[email protected]>
Subject BREAKING: We’re joining the fight to end super PACs in Maine
Date February 21, 2025 10:46 PM
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BREAKING: Free Speech For People and local counsel Peter J. Brann, on behalf of Mainers For Working Families (MFWF), just filed an amicus brief [[link removed]] in federal district court in Portland in support of Maine’s law limiting contributions to political action committees, effectively ending super PACs. The law, enacted as a ballot initiative with support from the vast majority of Maine voters, is now under attack by two super PACs–including at least one funded with dark money.

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In November 2024, more than 74% of the Maine electorate voted in favor of Ballot Question 1, which places a $5,000 per calendar year limit on contributions to PACs. Two super PACs now demand that a federal court permanently block the law, claiming it would violate their constitutional right to free speech. As our amicus brief explains, it does not.

These super PACs will spend a tremendous amount of money trying to overturn this law, so we need your help. Will you chip in $15 or more to help us win this fight? [[link removed]]

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The Supreme Court has long held that limits on contributions impose only a “marginal restriction” on free speech and that states have a right to limit contributions to prevent the risk of quid pro quo corruption and the appearance of corruption. And that is precisely what Maine does with Ballot Question 1.

Free Speech For People is honored to represent Mainers for Working Families alongside local counsel Peter J. Brann of Brann & Isaacson.

To read the amicus brief, click here [[link removed]] .

Free Speech For People

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Free Speech For People
P.O. Box 4914
Austin, TX 78765
United States

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