Submit your intentions for 9 Holy Masses in Honor of the Holy

Dear Friend,
This is one of the promises Our
Lord made to Sister Marie de Saint Pierre to those who honor His Holy
Face: “Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to
What intentions will you include in
the Nine Holy Masses that will be offered in Honor of the Holy Face
from Sunday, February 23 until Monday, March 3?
Please pray a novena with me
honoring the Holy Face of Jesus and in reparation for the insults and
indignities to Our Lord, Jesus Christ and the horrible crimes of these
days, which are committed publicly and far too many in number, which
include atheism, blasphemy and the desecration of God’s Holy Days. We
have witnessed satan rearing its ugly head in the public square - in
parades, demonstrations and conventions, as well as the growing number
of black masses, that include stolen Consecrated Hosts.
We can make reparation for these
types of public and scandalous acts by offering to God, the adorable
Countenance of the Face of Jesus, disfigured with painful bruises and
covered with shame and confusion - we can beg God’s
At the same time, during this
Novena, we can present to God the Almighty Father, through the merits
of the Holy Face of Jesus, our most pressing needs.
Join us this Sunday,
February 23, as we begin the
Novena to the Holy Face, which will end on Monday, March 3, the day
before Shrove Tuesday, the Feast Day of the Holy Face, on March 4. Let
us follow in the footsteps of the first adorers of the Sacred
Countenance - the Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, the shepherds, the
Magi and later the Apostles and disciples.
So, if you have not done so,
please submit your intentions for the nine Holy Masses. You will be
included to receive the daily emails and different prayers for the
novena, during the 9 days:
With so many families suffering
from mental, physical, and financial stress - fear, worry and anxiety,
along with suicides, there is so much confusion in the world, now is
the time to gaze upon the wounded, Holy Face of Jesus.
Convert us, O God, and show us
Thy Face, and we shall be saved. Ps. 79, v.4.
Remember that Our Lord left an
image of His sacred sorrowful face – His bloodstained countenance on
the veil of Veronica, so let us honor Him, unite our prayers to atone
for the sins of the world and present our personal petitions to
Embracing His adorable

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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