Weekly Newsletter: Some politicians just follow their party lines. Others stand up when it matters. No Labels is fighting for leaders who put country over party.
When Sen. Thom Tillis took the Senate floor this week, he did not mince words about who was responsible for the three-year-old war in Ukraine.
“Putin is a liar, a murderer, and a man responsible for ordering the systematic torture, kidnapping, and rape of innocent civilians. Believe me – because the evidence is mile high. Whoever believes that there is any space for Vladimir Putin in the future of a stable globe better go to Ukraine,”
Tillis' remarks came after President Trump suggested that Ukraine – not Russia – was responsible for starting and perpetuating the war.
Another No Labels ally, Rep. Don Bacon, called Trump’s comments “wrong” and “a shame” and reminded people that Ukraine is “the victim, not the invader.”
President Trump ran for office promising to end the war in Ukraine, and few could argue with his desire to bring this horrific conflict to an end.
But how this war ends matters. If Vladimir Putin is allowed to rewrite history, then he – and other countries – will be more likely to launch unprovoked wars. So, there should not be any doubt:
Ukraine did not start this war – Russia did.
Volodymyr Zelensky is not a dictator – Vladimir Putin is.
Sen. Tillis and Rep. Bacon made that clear, and it is also clear they understand and embrace the approach to national security embodied by No Labels founding chairman Joe Lieberman who once said, “Now, more than ever, politics must stop at the water’s edge because now, more than ever, our politics here at home have profound consequences for security within our borders as well as beyond our shores.”
Real leadership means knowing when to agree with leaders of your own party, knowing when to disagree, and having the backbone to do both.
You can help show commonsense leaders in Congress that our community has their back right now by liking and retweeting our message supporting Sen. Tillis.
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That is why No Labels supports leaders like Thom Tillis and Don Bacon.
They have worked with President Trump on national security issues when they believed he was right. But they are not afraid to tell him when he is wrong.
If we want more leaders willing to put country over party, we need to support them. No Labels is working to build a movement that ensures these members can stand against the pressure to toe the party line.
That is where you come in. If you want to be part of a movement that supports real leadership – leadership that stands up when it matters – we need you with us.
Ryan Clancy
No Labels
No Labels Call on Artificial Intelligence with John Bailey ([link removed] )
Friday, February 28 at 4 PM ET
Join us for an exclusive No Labels conversation with John Bailey, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a leading voice on technology and policy. John will break down the basics of AI, discuss its broad ramifications, and help us understand how policymakers from both sides of the aisle should work together on this fast-moving challenge.
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Suffer the Little Children ([link removed] )
By Carl M. Cannon
In his most powerful novel, Russia’s greatest 19th century novelist wrestles with the most difficult moral problem faced by people – the suffering of innocents. At their father’s funeral, Ivan Karamazov recounts to his younger brother Alyosha, who is training to be a monk, graphic examples of sadistic acts committed against children.
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A Stiff Drink From the Trump Fire Hose ([link removed] )
By Peggy Noonan
Some of his actions are exhilarating. Some of them make you ask: Are these people clinically insane?
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Breaking Ranks ([link removed] )
By Peyton Lofton
A recent analysis confirmed what we have all been feeling: Congress is sharply more partisan now than in decades past. Members toe the party line in about 90% of major votes. Who are the courageous leaders willing to work across party lines when it counts?
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The Mandatory Spending Anchor Dragging America’s Finances Down ([link removed] )
By Sam Zickar
For years, the federal government has been running on a simple but unsustainable formula: spend more than it takes in, borrow to make up the difference, and hope that interest rates stay low enough to keep the whole thing from collapsing. That worked for a while, but that future is in doubt.
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