PFAW’s Next Up Victory Fund has endorsed exciting progressive Brandon Scott to be the next mayor of Baltimore, MD. And we need the help of members all across the country to help Brandon win.

PFAW Member,
I’m writing today to ask for a small amount of your time to help elect a DYNAMITE young progressive champion as the next mayor of a major American city.
Brandon Scott – a close friend of PFAW – is running to be the next mayor of Baltimore and he recently picked up the enthusiastic endorsement of the Baltimore Sun, the city’s major newspaper.
PFAW’s Next Up Victory Fund endorsed Brandon in this race early on. Currently the president of the City Council, Brandon’s the strongest progressive in the race and he’s running on a platform to advance social justice and the common-sense reforms needed to secure a brighter future for the city’s residents.
But his opponents in the Democratic primary – taking place THIS TUESDAY – are pulling out all the stops to crush his momentum … including one super PAC playing divisive racial politics by trying to smear his reputation among white voters – even when he has always been about bringing people together! (Brandon is African American and Baltimore is a 63% Black city, but he enjoys broad support across all demographics, including among the city’s white voters.)
So we’re asking that you help US pull out all the stops to put Brandon over the top this Tuesday.
Can you sign up to join a special PFAW virtual phone bank party on Monday, or sign up for another phone banking shift to call Baltimore voters from anywhere in the country between now and Election Day?
Sign up for one or more shifts now>>
Can’t make calls to get out the vote for Brandon?
Then please consider supporting this amazing progressive leader’s run for mayor with a donation to his campaign on ActBlue!>>
PFAW’s Next Up Victory Fund is building a deep bench of winning progressive leaders by supporting diverse, bold progressive candidates for state and local office all across the country.
We’re building progressive power from the ground up … but we need your help.
Please get in the fight by volunteering a small amount of your time over the next few days to help elect Brandon Scott as the next mayor of Baltimore, MD!
Thank you for everything you’re doing to make 2020 a banner year for progressive victories.
-- Michael Keegan, President

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Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… With Donald Trump in the White House, they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.
PFAW is fighting back every day with:
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