Dear John,
Yesterday, we hosted the Reproaction Act and Learn webinar, Understanding the Difference: Emergency Contraception and Medication Abortion Are Not the Same. You can check out the recording here.
Save the date! Our next Act and Learn webinar, Criminalization of Pregnancy Outcomes, will take place on Monday, March 24 at 2:00 p.m. ET. We’d like to hear from you with topic ideas for future Act and Learn webinars, so please reply to this email if you have any suggestions.
Thanks for all your support!
Erin, Shireen, Ani, Annie, Elizabeth, Jacqueline, Jasmine, Jessica, Kelli, Kieran, Laila, Nataley, Negar, Victoria, and the Reproaction team
P.S. As mentioned in the webinar, check out the Hey Jane's webpage here and American Society for Emergency Contraceptives' webpage here.
Reproaction is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse or oppose candidates for political office. Views expressed by our Act and Learn webinar panelists should not be construed to reflect the stances of the organization.