Corona creates more refugees Greetings! You think you’ve heard the last of the migrant caravans that tried to invade America? Think again. There's a Surge coming like we’ve never seen before, and it will ride on the back of the reopening of North America after the Chinese coronavirus lockdowns. Pretty soon, this will be the new norm: That’s why We Build The Wall is raising $500,000 over the next 30 days to Stop the Surge, and we need your support today. A $50 contribution from 10,000 American Patriots will help us continue to build miles of border wall in crucial areas along the southern border, where criminal illegal aliens are known to cross. Our GREAT Border Patrol Agents are already understaffed and overworked. When this Surge hits, they will be risking their lives, as they do every day to keep America safe from dangerous outsiders. We The People can provide reinforcements for them by building more Border Wall, and that is what We Build The Wall intends to do. With your support today, we can continue to seal off the border and help our law enforcement during the Surge that is coming. We have had great success as an organization, and we need your help to continue our work. Every dollar contributed today gives YOU a direct hand in closing the U.S. Southern border, and securing our nation’s prosperity. So chip in $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford today and lend us a hand as we work to Stop the Surge! Thank you in advance for your generosity. Brian Kolfage Red Cloud Data | 7940 Front Beach Rd , Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Unsubscribe
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