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ICC: Investigate the Biden Admin for aiding Israel’s war crimes!

Dear John,

Israel’s predictable cycle continues: agree to a ceasefire, immediately break it, count on the U.S. to cover it up, and continue the endless flow of weapons for more murder and destruction. The U.S. and Israel move about the world with the arrogance of impunity, but their brazenness has only made it easier to track their crimes. Accountability is necessary for our world to live in peace. On Monday, the nonprofit organization DAWN submitted 172 pages of evidence to the International Criminal Court (ICC) proving the Biden Administration aided and abetted Israel’s war crimes in Palestine. U.S. officials might think they’re above international law, but the law is as powerful as the people who demand its enforcement — and that’s us! Let’s make accountability a priority and stop this violence from continuing. 

 👉 Sign the petition to ICC prosecutor Karim Khan demanding the Biden Admin be investigated for aiding Israel’s war crimes!

This weekend, in a major violation of the ceasefire, Israel refused to release the agreed upon 620 Palestinian political prisoners despite Hamas fulfilling their end of the deal and releasing six Israeli hostages. Netanyahu attempted to justify Israel’s violation by calling Hamas’s hostage handovers “humiliating,” accusing Hamas of using the Israeli captives for “propaganda.” In reality, Israel cannot reckon with the fact that their narrative is crumbling — even within Israeli society. Omer Shem Tov smiled and kissed two Hamas members on stage as he was being released. The Bibas family, three of whom were killed by Israel while in Gaza, refused to allow Israeli officials at their memorial services. Israel’s brutality is so indiscriminate, so blatant, that even the Israeli hostages were not safe from its wrath. That is humiliating for Netanyahu — what message is sent when even Israel’s own people reject its leadership? The U.S. supported Israel as they disregarded the safety of their people to pursue their real goal: genocide. This is what happens when there is no accountability. 

👉 Tell the ICC: Investigate the Biden Admin for aiding Israel’s war crimes in Palestine! 

Israel’s ethnic cleansing across Palestine continues to be missing from the headlines by design. The U.S. doesn’t just support Israel, it makes every attempt to bury its crimes from the public. If the ICC doesn’t hold the Biden Administration accountable, these are the crimes that will go completely unpunished: 

  • Joe Biden: Ensured U.S. weapons and money kept flowing to Israel, even when it violated domestic and international law. In some cases, he bypassed congressional review to approve arms shipments to allow Israel to receive U.S. weapons unconditionally.
  • Antony Blinken: Despite repeated warnings from his own staff and U.S. agencies that Israel was blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza — a condition for withholding weapons, Blinken did not withhold any assistance to Israel.
  • Lloyd Austin: Ignored reports from his own department citing evidence for Israel’s crimes in Gaza and continued providing unconditional military assistance to Israel and public endorsement of Israeli authorities' actions. 

👉 Support our friends at DAWN: sign the petition to ICC prosecutor Karim Khan demanding the Biden Admin be investigated for aiding Israel’s war crimes!

I know it’s hard to feel like we’re making progress while the people of Gaza suffer, but I encourage you to take a moment to recognize what we’ve achieved the last year and a half. Israel’s carefully crafted narrative — the foundation holding it up — has effectively collapsed. That’s huge, and it didn’t happen overnight. It happened because we kept pushing the envelope together. You and I, and the millions of people across the globe who are taking every action they can, big or small, to affect change for Palestine. Now imagine what we can accomplish a year from today if we keep pushing. This is a long struggle, but I have no doubt the movement for peace will win. We just have to keep building our power, exposing their crimes and refusing to give up. The people of Gaza are counting on us!

 👉 Don't miss out:

Until Liberation,

Nour and the entire CODEPINK team

​​P.S. There are 54 war criminals in our card deck, we must expose all of them for accountability.

P.​​P.S. We’re launching a new campaign against British military bases in Cyprus which have been used by the UK and US to facilitate the genocide in Gaza. Join us for the launch webinar today at 1PM ET/6PM UK/8PM CY where we will be joined by Jeremy Corbyn, Matt Kennard and more speakers in Britain and Cyprus. Find out more about the campaign at: https://www.basesoffcyprus.org

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