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Tell Congress:

Protect Voting Rights and Election Integrity

A bill that is moving rapidly through Congress, the SAVE Act, is threatening to undermine the integrity of our nation’s democracy. This bill disenfranchises millions of eligible voters by imposing draconian barriers to voter registration.


The House could vote on this bill within the next few days — and we have a real chance to prevent it from becoming law. But we need your help: Send a message to your members of Congress today urging them to vote NO on the SAVE Act. Help us reach our 5,000 signature goal >>

Hi Friend,

The Republican-led Congress is wasting no time in working to undermine our democracy. A bill called the SAVE Act is rapidly moving towards a vote on the floors of the House and Senate, and it is a major attack on voting rights, election integrity, and trust in our voting system.

The SAVE Act would disenfranchise millions of eligible voters by requiring hugely restrictive voter ID requirements, which disproportionately impact marginalized communities, including seniors, students, people of color, and women. It would effectively ban voter registration drives, online voter registration, and voter registration by mail.

By requiring registering voters to register in person and show documents proving their citizenship, this bill would make registration harder for the more than 146 million estimated Americans who don’t have a valid U.S. passport, the 69 million estimated married women whose current names don’t match their birth certificate names, and the millions of people from the LGBTQ+ community whose name or genders don’t match up with what’s on their passports or birth certificates.

The SAVE Act is a voter suppression bill that only pretends to address a real problem. States already have secure systems in place to verify eligibility and prevent noncitizens from voting. There are already state and federal laws imposing severe penalties for voting by people who aren’t eligible. There is no widespread voter fraud in America, but anti-democracy politicians want to make voting harder anyway.

Our movement can stop them — but we need your voice to speak out against this harmful federal legislation that threatens voting rights and election integrity. Tell your members of Congress: Vote NO on the extreme anti-voter SAVE Act. Help LCV reach 5,000 signatures demanding that Congress protect our right to vote in free and fair elections >>

The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy and our nation’s most cherished freedom. It is foundational to protecting clean air and clean water, fighting for a sustainable future, securing environmental justice, protecting public lands, and curbing health-harming pollution.

There can be no healthy environment without a healthy democracy. This legislation weakens the political power of everyday people and could block progress on the critical issues that affect our communities and our planet by making it harder for millions of Americans to vote.

Thank you for your commitment to protecting our democracy!


Doug Lindner
Senior Director of Judiciary & Democracy
League of Conservation Voters

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