In the last election, I outperformed the top of the ticket by 10% to win a district that also voted for Donald Trump. But it was extremely close!
How did I do it? Well, it’s pretty simple. I focused on the issues that mattered to voters in my district, refused to let my opponent nationalize the race, and had the support of grassroots supporters like you to help me combat millions of dollars in negative attacks.
I keep winning because my constituents know that I will go to Congress and fight for them, not the special interests in Washington D.C.
But I will continue to be a target for the GOP establishment who see defeating me as one of their top priorities in 2026. They think the more they spend against me, the more likely they can install a member of Congress who will do their bidding - not yours.
Jared Golden represents Maine's 2nd Congressional District. He's a proud veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. Jared is fighting in Congress to defend health care access, end the opioid crisis, and stop corruption in Congress. If you want to learn more, you can visit You can also follow Jared's campaign on Facebook or Twitter.
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Use of Jared's military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or the United States Marine Corps.