Sign the petition to stop the SAVE Act

Don't let them take your right to vote away. Tell Congress: Reject the SAVE Act. Sign the Petition

Hi John,

Soon, Congress will be voting on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act). While the bill claims to protect elections, it actually makes it harder or, in some cases, impossible for millions of Americans to vote. 

The SAVE Act would require Americans to provide a birth certificate, passport, or enhanced drivers license (only available in five states) to register or re-register to vote, and the name on the proof of citizenship must exactly match your current name. If you got married and changed your name? Too bad. Your birth certificate will no longer be valid to prove your right to vote. Have a state-issued REAL ID, which requires this same documentation? It won't be accepted as a form of identification for voting under this law.

More than 21 million Americans do not have easy access to the documents that would be required to vote under the SAVE Act, and most of them are actively engaged voters. This bill disenfranchises millions of people. 

That's not safeguarding democracy. That's rigging it to favor the powerful few. 

There's still time to stop this legislation. Tell your representatives to oppose the SAVE Act. 

Sign the Petition



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