Lawmakers are deciding the future of Medicaid. We need a flood of voices demanding they protect families, not billionaires. Take action now!
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

This is urgent: Congress is preparing to vote, as early as this evening, on slashing Medicaid funding and leaving families without care. Act NOW and tell Congress: Hands Off Our Medicaid!


The stakes couldn’t be higher— we must act to make sure Congress hears loud and clear BEFORE they vote that there’s overwhelming public opposition to cutting Medicaid. Here’s what’s on the line:

We have to act NOW. Add your name to flood your representatives with messages showing their constituents oppose this cruel plan telling them: Hands Off Our Medicaid!


Medicaid isn’t just healthcare—it’s the foundation of home care jobs.

Medicaid funds home care programs that allow aging loved ones and people with disabilities to receive care at home instead of being forced into expensive institutions.

It ensures parents don’t have to choose between paying rent and getting their children the medical care they need. And for many caregivers, Medicaid is the only way they can afford healthcare themselves.

If we don’t create an enormous public backlash, lawmakers could push through devastating Medicaid cuts that will have lasting consequences for millions.

Tell Congress: Hands Off Our Medicaid. Protect families, caregivers, and communities.


Thanks for all that you do,

Advocacy Team
National Domestic Workers Alliance

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Dignity, Unity, Power

The majority of domestic workers sit at the center of some of our nation’s most decisive issues because of who they are and what they do: they are women – mostly women of color, immigrants, mothers, and low-wage workers. They are impacted by almost every policy affecting the future of our economy, democracy and country.

Domestic workers can lead us toward a new, inclusive vision for the future for all of us -- and your grassroots support is the fuel that can get us there.

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