Nancy Pelosi. Remember her?
She gave up the speaker’s gavel in the U.S. House over two years ago.
But the last budget bill passed by Congress was yet another extension of the bloated budget passed during Pelosi’s reign.
Yes, you read that right. For more than two years in the majority, Republicans have been rubber-stamping extensions of the Nancy Pelosi budget (with increases across the board).
If you and I don’t act NOW, Congress will rubber-stamp the Pelosi budget – AGAIN – and every reduction in spending Ron Paul and the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have been fighting for will be for NOTHING.
Since the moment Donald Trump took office, DOGE has been working to identify waste, eliminate reckless spending, and rein in government overreach.
. . . $59 MILLION from FEMA to house and support illegal immigrants in New York City hotels for just one week;
. . . $20 MILLION from U.S.A.I.D. to create a Sesame Street show in Iraq;
. . . $20 BILLION the EPA had lying around to give to climate groups and friends. One former Biden employee described it as “tossing gold bars off the Titanic,” rushing to get billions of your tax dollars out the door before Inauguration Day;
. . . $12 MILLION from the Department of the Interior to build 30 pickleball courts in Las Vegas;
. . . And the list goes on and on and on . . . and adds up to a lot of your money being flushed away!
But here’s the catch: Unless Congress approves spending cuts, all of the money DOGE has frozen will be spent (and wasted).
If they don’t submit a rescission package, all those cuts will be WORTHLESS.
And if that's not bad enough. . .
When the budget expires in just a few weeks and with no real plan in place, Congress will look Americans in the eyes and tell us it’s all they could do or face a government shutdown. They’ll ignore everything you and I have asked for and everything they promised us and RE-APPROVE the same bloated, corrupt spending Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats shoved down our throats for the past several years – again!
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul has been warning for YEARS that America faces a fiscal crisis if we don't reduce spending.
Dr. Paul has fought to expose Washington’s out-of-control spending. He has called for ending wasteful (and often harmful) foreign aid. He has called for slashing the military budget, a notion President Trump just concurred with.
But time and time again, the special interests in Washington have gotten their way.
Now, his son, Senator Rand Paul, has sounded the alarm that we MUST rescind the wasted funds in the budget NOW – or else the graft will never stop.
We have one shot to break this cycle.
If DOGE submits a rescission package, it only takes a SIMPLE MAJORITY – which Republicans have – to wipe out these spending measures.
Then the spending package that will come up in two weeks will maintain those same cuts.
And if they don’t?
Congress will re-approve the Pelosi budget. Again. With every last bit of wasteful spending still intact and then some more.
You and I CANNOT let that happen.
Send an e-postcard RIGHT NOW to your representatives and senators and DEMAND they support Rand Paul’s call for a rescission package.
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It only takes a few seconds, but if enough American patriots like you speak up, it could save us BILLIONS in reckless spending.
Click here to send your message NOW.
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The swamp is betting you won’t take action.
They think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and their Democrat cronies can just run out the clock, re-approve their bloated budget, and keep funneling YOUR money into their pet projects.
Prove them wrong!
Demand Congress support Rand Paul’s push to RESCIND Pelosi’s budget before it’s too late.
Click here to send your e-postcard NOW.
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After you sign, I hope you will follow up by supporting Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution.
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Campaign for Liberty uses your support not only to rally more patriots, but to mobilize and pressure key members of Congress, not just in Washington, D.C., but in their home districts.
This targeted strategy enables us to have far greater impact than your typical Washington “think tank.” We don’t just deliver petitions, we bring pressure and political pain.
It’s a tactic that has worked to tremendous effect over the years.
But there is strength in numbers, and we can’t do it without your support.
So whether you can give $10, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help us keep up the fight, your support will make the difference.
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Thank you for all you do for Liberty,
John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty
P.S. If you and I don’t act RIGHT NOW, Congress is going to blindly rubber-stamp the Nancy Pelosi budget . . . AGAIN.
The Republicans have done it before. They will do it again.
Rand Paul has fought tooth and nail against government corruption. But if we don’t demand action, the Washington, D.C. Swamp will ignore him.
Click here to send your e-postcard and tell Congress: NO MORE PELOSI BUDGETS. Support Rand Paul's effort to RESCIND the wasteful spending!
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P.P.S. If you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going.
Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people.
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If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).
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