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The Archbishop-designate of York, the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, has dismissed a Sunday-newspaper report that he was to lead a review involving "massive shrinkage" in the number of cathedrals, dioceses, and parish churches.
The abortion (cleft lip, cleft palate and clubfoot) bill, which is led by the Conservative MP Fiona Bruce and supported by 13 MPs, will be presented in parliament on 3 June.
Antisemitism within some small sections of Muslims and which remains stubbornly entrenched needs to be taken on and called out repeatedly, says Fiyaz Mughal.
A senior Catholic bishop in Ireland has urged churches to continuing applying lockdown restrictions after it emerged that a church reopened for public Mass in Co Dublin.
The House voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to pass a measure that would punish top Chinese officials for detaining more than one million Muslims in internment camps, sending President Trump a bill intended to force him to take a more aggressive stand on human rights abuses in China.
To One Million Moms, a wing of the Christian fundamentalist group American Family Association, Out is "promoting sin to children" and are petitioning Disney leaders to drop the film entirely.
Eye-opening evidence at a public inquiry has shown the dangers presented by unregistered schools. Richard Scorer, a lawyer at the inquiry, says the authorities mustn't leave children to languish in unsafe environments.
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