Women in California's Legislature
2025 Speaker Series on California’s Future
Thursday, March 6, 2025 • 12:00–1:00 p.m. PT
Event check-in and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m.
Sheraton Grand Hotel
1230 J Street, Grand Nave Ballroom
Sacramento, CA 95814 (map)
Please register in advance to attend in person or to watch the live stream. In-person registration is limited; lunch will be provided and there is no charge to attend.
About the Program
In celebration of Women’s History Month, we invite you to join PPIC’s president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye in conversation with women leaders from California’s legislature as they share their experiences and discuss their top priorities for the year ahead.
PPIC’s Speaker Series on California’s Future invites thought leaders and changemakers with diverse perspectives to participate critically, constructively, and collaboratively in public conversations. The purpose is to give Californians a better understanding of how our leaders are addressing the challenges facing our state.
Tani Cantil-Sakauye
President and CEO
Public Policy Institute of California
A. Marisa Chun
Superior Court of California
County of San Francisco
Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
California State Senator
District 19
Catherine Stefani
California State Assemblymember
District 19
Applied Materials Foundation
Bank of America
The California Endowment
California Health Care Foundation
California Humanities
The California Wellness Foundation
The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
Edison International
FHLBank San Francisco
Hamilton, Rabinovitz & Associates, Inc.
The James Irvine Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Lucas Public Affairs
NextEra Energy Resources
Pacific Life Foundation
Sierra Health Foundation
Stuart Foundation
Wells Fargo
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Windy Hill Fund
About PPIC
The Public Policy Institute of California is dedicated to informing and improving public policy in California through independent, objective, nonpartisan research. We are a public charity. We do not take or support positions on any ballot measure or on any local, state, or federal legislation, nor do we endorse, support, or oppose any political parties or candidates for public office.