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Weekend Edition, February 22-23, 2025


Books LRC Readers Are Reading This Week!

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Time To Kash-Out the Rogue FBI

David Stockman

Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists and Spike Production Persists for Years Inside the Body

A Midwestern Doctor

Hold the Applause for Trump, the ‘Peacemaker’

Edward Curtin

An Atheist Reads the Book of Proverbs.

Allan Stevo

Funny Money

James Howard Kunstler

Jobs Offshoring and Work Visas Are Means of Enriching Corporate Executives With ‘Performance Bonuses’

Paul Craig Roberts

Catholics: First and Final Defense Against IVF

Stacy Trasancos, PhD

How Can You Stop the Government From Tracking You.

Milan Adams

Battling Bishops Sue the Trump Administration for ‘Their’ Migrant Millions

Monica Showalter

Bob Amsterdam: How USAID Is Helping Zelensky Destroy Christianity With Fake Churches and Violence

Tucker Carlson

Trump Is Only Western Statesman Who Wants Peace

John Leake

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