From Google Accountability Alert (via MoveOn) <[email protected]>
Subject Will you sign the petition demanding Google Calendar reinstate Black History Month, Women's History Month, Pride Month, and other cultural events?
Date February 22, 2025 3:25 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Tell Google: Reinstate Black History Month, Pride Month, and other
cultural events on our calendars!

Dear MoveOn member, 

This month, when users across the country opened their Google calendars,
something was missing. The "Black History Month" event was no longer
listed as a default on calendars. It turns out Google thought it could get
away with quietly removing culturally and nationally recognized events
that honor historically marginalized people and communities from
automatically populating on calendars.

No more Black History Month. 

No more Women's History Month.

No more Pride Month. 

No more Indigenous Peoples Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, or Holocaust
Remembrance Day. Google has not released a comprehensive list of all the
cultural events that were purged, but the list goes on and on. 

[ [link removed] ]We won't be deleted. All of our communities deserve to be reflected and
represented. Urge Google to reinstate and bring back cultural events NOW!

Over the past few years, Google has expanded the cultural moments that it
features on calendars beyond the standard federal holidays.^1 It was a
beautiful way to acknowledge and celebrate the rich and textured history
and practices of people across the country. 

But last year, they stopped the practice, claiming that it "wasn't
sustainable," and went back to featuring only standard holidays.^2 Google
is one of the largest and most influential tech companies in the world.
Its revenue was a staggering $348 BILLION, and it has its own team
dedicated to the calendar.^3 It can clearly handle adding and managing
cultural events—a feat that organizations with a fraction of the resources
have managed to do.^4 They just don't want to do it. 

Make no mistake, Google's quiet removal of cultural events from their
calendars is part of a broader trend of tech companies and businesses
catering to far-right and extreme groups by rolling back inclusivity and
diversity. We have to fight back and let tech giants like Google know that
we refuse to go backward. 

[ [link removed] ]Add your name to demand Google bring back their cultural events
calendar NOW!

More than 500 MILLION people use Google Calendar.^5 We deserve to have our
communities, celebrations, and cultures represented.

[4]Sign the petition

Google's removal of cultural celebrations came under scrutiny following
news reports that the company is also scaling back their diversity hiring
goals in response to Donald Trump's executive orders. Google and Apple
also both swiftly changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico in their map
tools to appease Trump.^6 Seriously: Google Maps now calls it the "Gulf of
America"—a terrifying sign of how quickly the largest corporations in the
world are willing to satisfy the erratic, dangerous, and jingoistic whims
of Donald Trump.

And they are not the only ones. Tech companies—including major giants like
Meta and Amazon—have quickly abandoned diversity efforts in order to cozy
up to Trump and Republicans, who have weaponized diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) initiatives for their own political and financial
gain. And last month, after lawsuits and pressure from Trump, Meta revoked
its fact-checking and content moderation program, allowing lies and hate
to run wild.^7

These tech giants have the resources and means to hold their ground and
remain firm in the values and promises they made to the general public.
But if they won't do the right thing on their own, we have to come
together to demand it. And we can start right now by demanding Google
bring back their cultural events calendar immediately. 

[ [link removed] ]Click here to sign the petition, and then share with three friends to
help spread the word.

Thanks for all you do. 

–Aliya, Amanda R., Amy, Eric, and the rest of the team


1. "Google Calendar Deletes Women's History Month and Other Cultural
Events," The New York Times, February 12, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

2. Ibid. 

3. "Annual revenue of Google from 2002 to 2024," Statista, accessed
February 14, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

4. "Into Action Lab Cultural Calendar," Into Action Lab, accessed February
14, 2025
[link removed]

5. "Google Calendar Deletes Women's History Month and Other Cultural
Events," The New York Times, February 12, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

6. "Google Removed Pride Month and Other Diversity Holidays From Its
Calendar App," Them, February 11, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

7. "Meta Says It Will End Its Fact-Checking Program on Social Media
Posts," The New York Times, February 3, 2025
[link removed]

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It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

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to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop
working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy.
MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26
years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way

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