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Dear friends,
As you know, press freedom faces many challenges everywhere: wrongful detentions of journalists around the world, public attacks on the press by President Trump in the United States, the growing challenges posed by artificial intelligence... RSF is committed to acting against these threats to press freedom every day.
I am writing to you today to draw your attention to the most effective way of supporting Reporters Without Borders (RSF): regular donations.
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Regular donations enable RSF to:
* have the necessary resources to act urgently when journalists' lives are threatened,
* plan our resources, and therefore our actions, more effectively,
* allocate more resources to our actions in the field by reducing our administrative costs.
Join us today in supporting press freedom around the world every day.
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Thank you for supporting us.
Thibaut Bruttin, General Director, Reporters Without Borders
P.S.: You can also make a one-off donation via our secure online form ([link removed]〈=en_EN&reserved_origine=NLS071&utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-S081) .
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