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Hi Friend,
As we celebrate our 30th anniversary of fighting for animals, I want to continue down memory lane by sharing a powerful victory that exemplifies our mission and impact—our groundbreaking investigation at a Tyson Foods facility ([link removed]) that exposed the cruel use of nose bones. This investigation, one of many milestones in our three-decade journey, not only revealed shocking abuse but led to immediate, concrete change that spared countless animals from suffering.
Our undercover investigator documented horrific scenes at a Tyson facility in Virginia, including workers punching and kicking live birds, animals being crushed by transport crates, and perhaps most disturbingly, the brutal practice of "boning"—where workers stabbed dull plastic rods through young male birds' sensitive nostrils without any pain relief.
Left: A chicken with a plastic "nose bone," which is designed to limit their food intake
Right: A chicken is grabbed roughly by their wing
Thanks to supporters like you, we didn't just document these atrocities—we created real change. After viewing our footage, Tyson Foods, the nation's largest chicken producer, immediately ended the cruel practice of "boning" and fired ten employees. The company publicly acknowledged that "we must do more to stop this inexcusable behavior."
Shortly after media coverage of the undercover footage from this investigation went viral, Animal Outlook reached out to other major chicken producers about this important issue. As a result, Perdue and Wayne Farms quickly followed Tyson’s lead by stating that they, too, would put an end to the use of nose bones. We subsequently reached out to the rest of the top 20 poultry producers in the U.S. and 17 of them have confirmed that they have either eliminated or never engaged in this barbaric practice.
This victory represents everything we've fought for over the past 30 years—exposing truth and inspiring change. But our work isn't finished. Countless animals still need our platform, our investigations, and our unwavering dedication to justice.
As we mark this milestone anniversary, we're asking for your support in two crucial ways:
1. Consider making a donation ([link removed]) to fuel our next groundbreaking investigation. Your gift—whether $30 for our 30 years or any amount meaningful to you—helps us expose truth and create lasting change.
Help Fuel Undercover Investigations ([link removed])
2. Choose compassion at every meal. By embracing leaving animals off your plate, you can help create change three times a day. Whether you're just starting your journey or have been vegan for years, we're here to support you with our VegPledge ([link removed]) . Plus, when you share your compassionate choices with friends and family, you multiply your impact.
Take the VegPledge ([link removed])
The elimination of "boning" at Tyson facilities is just one example of what we can achieve together. Over three decades, we've transformed countless situations of cruelty into victories for animals—but only with your help. Imagine what we can accomplish together in the next 30 years.
With gratitude and determination,
Ben Williamson
Executive Director
P.S. Your donation today ([link removed]) helps continue vital investigative work for the next 30 years. Please give now to help create a more compassionate tomorrow.
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