From Public Citizen <[email protected]>
Subject tell Congress: don't extend Trump tax scam
Date February 25, 2025 4:20 PM
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Major parts of the Trump tax scam — the massive tax giveaway for billionaires
and Big Business that his MAGA allies passed in 2017 — are set to expire at the
end of this year.

Republicans are trying to jam legislation through Congress that would extend
Trump’s disastrous tax policies and pay for it by gutting critical programs the
American people rely on.

Here are just some of the ways Trump’s congressional lackeys could pay for their
tax cuts for the ultra-rich:

* They’re considering cutting funding for Medicaid, child nutrition, and

* They’re considering jacking up costs for energy, housing, and food.

* And in the past, they’ve slashed budgets for youth job training programs and
the National Labor Relations Board (the organization that holds corporations
accountable for violating worker rights). Funding for programs like these
could be in danger again.

It’s simple: Congressional Republicans are planning to make life harder for
workers and families in order to extend tax cuts for their billionaire donors
and greedy companies.

We can’t sit on the sidelines while Donald Trump and his allies decide what
programs to dismantle to help their friends. We need to push every member of
Congress to side with working families instead.

Email your members of Congress: [[link removed]]

Don’t raise costs or cut programs like Medicaid to pay for Trump’s tax
giveaways. You’re accountable to the American people, not just wealthy donors
and giant corporations. [[link removed]]

Use our easy online tool to email your representative and senators now.
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Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Lisa Gilbert & Robert Weissman, Co-Presidents of Public Citizen

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