Friend - The bad news is coming at a faster clip than possible to even process – a literal government purge, mass layoffs, freezing key federal aid, Elon Musk acting as if he was elected (Newsflash: he wasn’t), mass confusion. It’s hard to keep up – and that is the goal of the Trump Administration: To overwhelm and isolate us from each other. 

The bottom line: We’ve never needed each other, our communities, and a path forward to get out of this mess more. *Sign-up to be part of the solution through our new Moms Next Door pilot project by clicking here. (More details below.)

We know you, like many, are wondering, “What can we do?” We hear you and are here for you. And we’re also here for each other. With over 1,104,496 active members of MomsRising, 1 in 300 people in America are now active with MomsRising. Together, we are powerful.

The great thing is that moms, parents, and caregivers already do what we need most at this moment: support our communities. We just need to put more political power behind it now. 

To help build our power together, to be there for one another, and to, well, help lift our nation, we’re launching a new national pilot program to build a community of learning and action locally: Moms Next Door. (This program is for moms – and anyone who has ever had a mom. If you have a belly button, you’re invited!) Our goal is to create, build, support one another, and find power in community – in all the ways we define it.

→ Are you interested? Click here to sign up for the first-ever Moms Next Door Pilot Program. (This is a 6 month pilot program that we’ll be testing out with you!)

When we say we’re here for you, we really are here for you. We are taking it back to the basics. We’re inviting you to join us in getting equipped, skilled up, and fired up to organize, take action, and lead in your communities - we’ll take it back to the basics and unleash ourselves as parents, the original community organizers, in local neighborhoods across the country. This is where you can harness the power of what moms and caregivers are doing best in our everyday lives – and turn it into political power for change!

When you sign up, we’ll provide: 

  1. Monthly Skill-Up, Power-Harnessing Virtual Workshops: Join us for monthly, virtual workshops where we will share information, education, and resources to workshop how we will create change together. 

  2. Monthly Action Toolkit: Each month, MomsRising will share a Monthly Action Toolkit with a menu of actions and suggestions for Moms Next Door gatherings and actions for you to explore and to consider what will work for you and your community. The regular action menu may include the following for you to choose what works for you: 

  • An easy communication platform for you to stay connected locally. 
  • Say you’re in! Through this program, we’ll also help you do something really important: Find Your People and Organize For A Better Tomorrow. Building off our virtual workshops and monthly toolkits, you can put your power in action with virtual or in-person opportunities for building community, finding joy, and centering change for the future we believe in. In times of chaos and confusion, it’s important to stick together. We’ve seen the power of gathering here at MomsRising – with 2,300+ gatherings last year across the nation to write over 5 million postcards to mom voters. Let’s run it back! Gather your people – your close friends, family, moms from school, coworkers, book club, or group chat. 

    The news cycle is a lot right now. Some days, we may need escapism, and some days, we might need to take action. We’re here for you through it all.

    The goal of this first-ever Moms Next Door Pilot program is to provide you and your community with ideas on how to self-organize in this moment and take action; process and make sense of it all; AND remain calm, find joy in community, and recharge as we build a brighter future! 

    → We need you. We need each other. And gathering together is one of the most important and powerful things we can do right now. Sign up here to show you’re interested in joining our first-ever Moms Next Door Pilot program.

    We are excited to commit to this work with you. Expect us to ask for your feedback along the way, because we’re learning and processing, too. We’re looking forward to hearing what you like, where we should expand, and your creative ideas for what we should include. As always, we’re glad to be in this together. 

    In dark times, we look for glimmers of hope. And each of us can be a glimmer. Gathering together helps remind us that we are not alone, and that even in tough times, we can count on each other. Perhaps most importantly, gathering together and knowing that the chaos and uncertainty is a shared experience allows each of our glimmers to become a bright light where we can dream and build the future we all need and deserve. 

    Community and collective action are the antidote to despair. And together we are needed more than ever. *Don’t forget to sign up for Moms Next Door so you can get the Monthly Action Toolkit and see what works for you.

    Thank you for being there, for being with us, and for all you’re doing!

    – Nina, Lauren, Olivia, Ruth, SueAnne, Nate, and the whole & MamásConPoder Team


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