John, Mitch McConnell is retiring! So NOW is the time to force the U.S. Senate to vote on Ted Cruz's Term Limits Amendment (S.J.Res1). Please sign the national petition demanding Congress vote on term limits. This is a brand new national petition directed to the Senate where we have 16 senators who are cosponsoring Senator Cruz's amendment. Twenty-three U.S. Senators have signed our term limits pledge. So every single American who believes no politician of any party should be allowed to serve in Congress for life should sign the petition demanding a senate vote on term limits! Please sign the petition and then share this email with everyone you know. It's time for term limits. The American people are furious at what's going on in Congress. It's time for the Senate to finally do something for the American people and put partisanship aside. Term limits is a unifying issue. More than 80% of Americans support it. There is no reason to not vote on term limits. The American people deserve to know where their senators stand. This national petition campaign is part of our two-pronged strategy to get term limits. On the national level, we force a vote on term limits in the House and Senate. In the states we work to bypass Congress by calling the Term Limits Convention. This strategy will work - if Americans from all over stand together. Please sign the Vote Now On Term Limits Petition, and ask everyone you know to do the same. Just forward this email around. Post the petition on social media. Ordinary Americans must take a stand now! Sincerely, Philip Blumel President |