From Dimple Ajmera <[email protected]>
Subject Share Your Input on City Budget; City Contracts Info
Date February 23, 2025 1:28 PM
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Your Input on Budget Priorities Requested

The City of Charlotte seeks input from residents regarding your budget priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. As Chair of the Budget, Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, your feedback is very important to me!

As part of this effort, the city will host three budget engagement events, listed below, throughout March, providing residents with multiple opportunities to learn about the budget process and share their feedback.
* March 4, noon: Virtual Lunch and Learn Session. ([link removed])
* March 18, 6 p.m.: In-person Budget 101 Session. ([link removed])
* March 27, 6 p.m.: Virtual Community Conversation. ([link removed])

Residents can also share feedback through the FY 2026 Budget Survey ([link removed]) , which will remain open until April 7, and engage with the Balancing Act ([link removed]) simulator. The Balancing Act is a tool that allows residents to test their budgeting skills and balance the city’s more than $4 billion budget.

“The city’s budget is more than numbers – it’s a plan that connects people to opportunities, strengthens neighborhoods and enhances quality of life,” said Marie Harris, interim director of the City of Charlotte Strategy & Budget Department. “Every decision impacts daily life, from the roads we travel to the housing and job opportunities residents have access to. That’s why we want to hear from as many people as possible to ensure their voices help shape the future of our community.”

Following resident engagement, the city manager will present the Proposed FY 2026 Budget on May 5.

Council workshops and presentations can be streamed on the GOV Channel, YouTube ([link removed]) and the GOV Channel Streaming App ([link removed]) .

Learn About City Contracts
Attendance is free, but registration is required. Click here. ([link removed])

I look forward to hearing from you,
Dimple Ajmera
Charlotte City Councilwoman At-Large ([link removed])
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

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Paid for by The Committee to Elect Dimple Ajmera
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