Plus, Canada’s last reindeer on the move; building a megacity from scratch
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Searching for mysterious human origins, photographer Justin Jin traveled for this Photo of the Week to a dark and dank Laotian cave. The archaeological dig was one stop on the National Geographic Explorer’s hunt for clues to “the other humans” before us. |
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With a mug like this, what’s not to love? Plus, this deep-sea creature, seen only rarely by humans, also carries the not-charming name of black shedevil anglerfish. Frightening? Nope, this fish, when you can spot it, is soft and squishy. |
Today’s Soundtrack: Sunday Morning, Maroon 5
Thanks for reading today’s newsletter, which was edited and curated by David Beard and produced by Amanda Williams-Bryant. Sign up here to catch our future Photos of the Week newsletters. |
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