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Quentin and Chancie worked at the Master Lock plant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for over a decade. They, like thousands of other factory workers, held good-paying jobs that provided a stable life–a house, a car, and food on the table. Now that’s all gone.
For over 40 years, failed economic policies have driven manufacturing overseas and devastated communities. As we continue to let manufacturing jobs leave this country in droves, we let hardworking Americans suffer.
We need a bold, new economic vision. That means making a moonshot investment in manufacturing and bringing good-paying union jobs back to communities left behind by globalization and offshoring.
Will you rush a $3 contribution to my campaign to help me push forward a new economic patriotism for our country? [[link removed]]
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Quentin and Chaince did not vote in this election because they felt abandoned by politicians. And they’re right to feel that way. We have hollowed out the industrial base in our country, decimating the middle class and people’s ability to achieve the American Dream.
I’m dedicated to making the United States a manufacturing superpower once more by penalizing companies that offshore their production and putting our federal dollars toward supporting American-made and manufactured products.
We need Chancie, Quentin, and all Americans to have faith in us and to know we have their backs.
It’s time to rebuild American industry. If you’re with me, please consider donating $3 or more today. [[link removed]]
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Thank you for your support, your activism, and everything you do.
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