Email from National Constitution Center And a webinar on how to use Constitution 101 with AI tools Women’s History Month Throughout Women’s History Month, the Center recognizes extraordinary American women throughout history, and celebrates accomplishments of American women who fought for freedom, equality, and equal rights for all Americans. Explore all programs at the Center As you build lesson plans, here are some educational resources and opportunities to incorporate learning about and celebrating women’s history: Schedule a virtual student program: Scholar Exchanges: Topics include women and the Constitution and the 19th Amendment. Civic Stories: Story themes include artifacts from the women’s suffrage movement. Use our Constitution 101 teacher-led high school curriculum to teach about the road to the 19th Amendment and explore our Interactive Primary Source Tool: Historic Debates for and Against Suffrage. Register your classes for a virtual museum program on Tuesday, March 25, at noon E.T. Students will experience a guided tour of our exhibit, The 19th Amendment: How Women Won the Vote, and an up-close look at some of the one-of-a-kind artifacts on display. EXPLORE MORE RESOURCES Professional Learning Session Women and the Constitution Wednesday, March 19 | 6:30–8 p.m. ET Educators will explore the ratification process of the 19th Amendment, which grew out of decades of advocacy by the suffragists and their allies. We will share the connections to federalism, as we discuss the beginning of women’s suffrage out West in the late 1800s and its eventual spread to the rest of the nation. Participants will also gain insight into educational materials to support student learning about women in the Constitution. REGISTER TO ATTEND Learn How to Use Constitution 101 and AI Tools Join us and our partners at Khan Academy for a free webinar, Teaching Contemporary Constitutional Topics Using Constitution 101 and AI, as part of Share My Lesson’s 2025 Virtual Conference on Tuesday, March 25 from 2–3 p.m. ET. This webinar will equip educators with practical strategies and innovative tools to navigate these complexities. Educators will gain a replicable framework for teaching contemporary constitutional topics using the Constitution 101 course and Khan Academy’s AI tools. Through the demonstration, we will explore: Aligning to real-world constitutional topics: Using a demo topic, we will show educators how to start with the Constitution 101 course to provide context to bridge the gap between historical foundations and modern-day issues and increase understanding of current debates. Leveraging expert perspectives to inform discussion: We will highlight relevant videos from the Constitution 101 course that feature constitutional scholars, professors, and experts from diverse political philosophies who provide nonpartisan insights to inform current topics. Harnessing AI-powered learning: We will demonstrate how Khan Academy’s artificial intelligence tools can be paired with the Constitution 101 course to foster civil dialogue, information gathering, support essay writing, and provide students personalized feedback on their constitutional arguments. REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR You’re Invited: March Events 🗓️ America’s Town Hall: The State of Partisanship: Confronting the Challenges of a Divided Nation Monday, March 3 | 7-8 p.m. ET Authors Jonathan Rauch and Julian Zelizer discuss their recently published books and the rise of partisanship in America. 🗓️ Civic Learning Week (CLW): March 10–14, 2025 Civic Learning Week provides programming for students, educators, policymakers, and private sector leaders to energize the movement for civic education across the nation. ⭐ Join the NCC and the National Liberty Museum for a special CLW virtual session, Building Bridges: Teachers, Museums, and Deeper Civic Learning on Tuesday, March 11. 🗓️ Scouts Programs at the Center Boy Scouts on Saturday, March 15 | Girl Scouts on Saturday, March 29 Our Scout programs at the Center feature exhibit tours and interactive trivia games, plus Q&A sessions with judges, law enforcement officers, National Park Service rangers, elected officials, and more. Reservations are required. Connect With Us Constitution 101 | Professional Learning | Virtual Student Programs | Events Calendar About the National Constitution Center’s Educational Resources The National Constitution Center provides K-12 curriculum, professional learning, and student programs that make constitutional education engaging and relevant. Learn more at: Update your email preferences by clicking the Update Profile link below to subscribe to other National Constitution Center newsletters and manage how often you hear from us. National Constitution Center | Independence Mall, 525 Arch St | Philadelphia, PA 19106 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice