MSNBC: “Jeffries sent Republicans an important message” [[link removed]]
AXIOS: “Jeffries lays out war plan for Democrats to take on Trump” [[link removed]]
This is time-sensitive.
Leader Jeffries just announced House Democrats' strategic plan to TAKE ON Trump and his Unelected Co-President Elon Musk’s dangerous attempts to decimate our health care, destroy our government and dismantle our Democracy.
And today, I’m asking you to join us.
Together, we can make Trump and Elon Musk’s cruel and illegal schemes BACKFIRE – but only if we BUCKLE UP and OUTRAISE Republicans before it’s too late. [[link removed]]
That’s why I’m uniting an OVERWHELMING wave of Team Pelosi Memberships – 5,000 renewals before midnight – to beat back against Trump and Musk’s millions and propel us to a Blue Wave in the midterms. Please. I wouldn’t ask unless it was important. Democrats are FIGHTING BACK against Trumpism – and we need you in the fight. Can I count on your $15 before our End of Week Deadline at midnight? >> [[link removed]]
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[email protected] [[link removed]]
ID: 131310698 [[link removed]]
MEMBERSHIP: PENDING [[link removed]]
SUGGESTED DONATION: $15 >> [[link removed]]
This is one of the FIRST make-or-break moments of Trump’s new term.
FIRST: [[link removed]] Trump’s unelected Co-President Elon Musk BARGED [[link removed]] into the Treasury and gained access to the sensitive personal data of nearly every American.
THEN: [[link removed]] House Republicans – doing Trump and Musk’s bidding – put out their budget plan calling for more than $1 Trillion in DRASTIC CUTS TO MEDICAID and food for children [[link removed]] to partly offset $4.5 Trillion in tax cuts to further enrich themselves, other billionaires and big corporations already making record profits.
NOW: [[link removed]] Leader Jeffries just announced Democrats’ strategic plan to FIGHT BACK [[link removed]] and WIN [[link removed]] .
This is one of Democrats' FIRST opportunities to show Trump, Musk, and Republicans that we’re UNITED and ORGANIZED to defeat them once and for all. [[link removed]]
But that takes resources. And Democrats spent down funds to GAIN seats in the House. So I’m asking one final time if you’ll step up in this defining moment, help Democrats take back the House and FIGHT BACK to hold Trump accountable. Please, can I count on your $15 before our deadline at midnight? >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $15 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $25 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $50 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $100 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in another amount >> [[link removed]]
Thank you,
URGENT: [[link removed]]
We just launched a massive program to DEFEAT House Republicans who voted to destroy Medicaid and crush our health care.
JOIN US and chip in to Save Our Health Care here! >> [[link removed]]
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Nancy Pelosi's PAC to the Future is focused on electing a powerful slate of progressive champions up and down the ballot.
Nancy is working tirelessly to undo Trump and Republicans' horrific damage, but she can't do this alone. Can she count on your help to ensure Democrats WIN?
DONATE [[link removed]]Nancy Pelosi is counting on you. If you want to stay updated but RECEIVE FEWER EMAILS [[link removed]] , let us know HERE. [[link removed]]
If you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE [[link removed]] completely from future emails, you can do so HERE. [[link removed]]
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Washington, DC xxxxxx
Paid for by PAC to the Future, 1032 15th Street NW Suite 247 Washington, DC xxxxxx. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.