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Dear friend,
Some parts of the world are so hostile to Christianity that even mentioning
Jesus could put your life in danger.
But that hasn't stopped our missionaries who are serving there right now.
These courageous individuals have chosen to enter places where persecution is
the norm—where the cost of sharing the gospel can be imprisonment or worse.
They can't openly share their names with you or ask for help, but their need is
Because of the extraordinary risks they face, their work requires:
* Stealth and security measures to protect their identities.
* Safe housing and transportation to avoid detection.
* Resources to meet both physical and spiritual needs of the unreached.
They can't do this alone. Will you come alongside them?
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Your gift today will help these IMB missionaries as they continue their work
in dangerous regions, bringing the light of Christ to people who may never hear
His name otherwise.
They've chosen to follow Christ's call no matter the cost. Your support can
give them the safety, strength, and encouragement they need to persevere.
Please make a generous gift in support of their work:
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Thank you for standing with them.
In Christ,
Angie Shepherd
Journeyman Alumni
Prayer and Missions Advocate
International Mission Board | 3806 Monument Ave. Richmond, VA 23230 | (804)
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