Right now, presidential candidates are going on the record with plans for America. They’ve made promises on healthcare, education, and immigration.
But they've failed to unveil a plan to fix our corrupt political system. We have a huge opportunity to change that by demanding all presidential candidates, including President Trump, pledge to pass comprehensive democracy reform in the first 90 days of their administration.
Add your name now to send an immediate message to all presidential candidates demanding they sign the pledge to #FixDemocracyFirst and end political corruption.

The #FixDemocracyFirst pledge is a campaign promise to to pass comprehensive anti-corruption reforms in the first 90 days of their administration that will:
- Protect our right to vote by ending voter purges, passing automatic voter registration, expanding early voting, same-day registration, & vote at home options, and restoring the vote for returning citizens with past felony convictions.
- Make elections secure & competitive by stopping foreign meddling in our elections, ending gerrymandering, and passing Ranked Choice Voting.
- End political corruption by ending secret donations, closing the revolving door between government and the lobbying industry, and fixing our campaign finance system so politicians are dependent on voters instead of big-money interests.
This is a bold step. And it has to be, because we need bold action to fix this broken system.
Since 2008, more than 15,000 polling places have closed.1 In 2017, America was downgraded from a “full democracy” to a “flawed democracy” by the Economist Intelligence Unit.2 And in 2018, over 200 officials in 33 states reported that they need to replace their voting machines by 2020, but lack the funding to do so.3
Americans are demanding better. And it's time for presidential candidates to answer to us.
Add your name now to send an immediate email to presidential candidates urging them to #FixDemocracyFirst.
One voice alone won't change the status quo. But if everyone in this movement demands action, we can put immense public pressure on every single presidential candidate to #FixDemocracyFirst.
Thank you for joining me in this campaign,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
1 Thousands of polling places were closed over the past decade. Here’s where. 2 The U.S. Was Just Downgraded from a ‘Full’ to ‘Flawed Democracy’ 3 Election officials face voting machine challenges ahead of 2018 midterms  |