We’re counting on your sustained support to Make America Great Again!


Right now, we have the Democrats on the defensive.

President Trump’s America First agenda is wildly popular with the American people, and his approval rating has soared to record highs!

But we cannot take our foot off the gas for even a single month.

That is why, with the next end-of-month fundraising deadline rapidly approaching, I’m asking YOU to make a grassroots contribution to help Republicans keep up the fight!

As it currently stands, we’re still thousands of dollars short of our goal.

The more successful President Trump is, the more the Left’s attacks, smears, and LAWFARE against the America First movement will escalate.

It’s vital that we reach this critical benchmark so we have every dollar we need to keep up the fight!

So please, make a contribution before the upcoming end-of-month deadline to fuel our fight to Make America Great Again.







Thank you,

Michael Whatley
RNC Chairman

Paid for by Team Elise, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress and E-PAC. www.elisestefanik.com

PO Box 500 Glens Falls, NY 12801

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