Dear AFGE Member,
Earlier today, I sent a letter to Acting OPM Director Ezell insisting he rescind yesterday’s email from [email protected]. Since last night, it has become even more clear that the thoughtless and bullying email was meant to intimidate federal employees and cause mass confusion. Agencies across the federal government have acknowledged that confusion and that they were unaware the email was being sent. As of this writing, several agencies have now provided guidance to employees.
Though we believe the email and the resulting agency instructions are improper, we advise that you comply with any directive that has come from your agency. Simply put, if your agency has asked you to reply, you should do so and highlight the important work that you do for the American people. If you are in a situation where you have been prevented from performing your duties by the current administration’s attacks (USAID, for example), say so, as well as the positive contributions you would be making were you permitted to work as usual. If you have engaged in advocacy for your agency or protected activity, I would also note that and simply state that you have continued to stand ready to support your agency, its mission, and the public.
If your agency has informed you that you should not respond, you should comply with that directive. Similarly, if you have not received any guidance from your agency, we reiterate our advice from yesterday that you should ask your supervisor whether you should respond and, if so, how. Until you receive a response or other agency directive to respond, we do not believe you have any obligation to do so.
Finally, if you are on leave, we do not believe you have any obligation to respond. If you wish to respond, you may wish to ask your supervisor for any overtime or compensatory time that you may be entitled.
AFGE will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates as necessary. Separate guidance for local leaders will be issued later today.
In solidarity,
Everett Kelley
AFGE National President
Don’t Delay! It’s Time to Make the Switch to E-Dues
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