Hold polluters accountable!

Hi John,

How do we hold big polluters accountable? With common sense rules and incentives that limit harmful climate emissions. 

That’s what the methane polluter fee does. If oil and gas companies do not cut their methane emissions, the EPA issues them hefty fees. This holds polluters accountable and provides a powerful incentive for them to take actions to reduce their emissions.

But now this program is under attack.

Congress is considering legislation that would weaken or repeal the methane polluter fee, removing a critical tool used to reduce emissions and hold polluters accountable. And now we need your help to defend it!

Send a message to your members of Congress today and urge them to defend the methane polluter fee and vote no on any attempts to give polluters a free pass.

Here’s a fact: reducing methane pollution is the fastest, most cost-effective way to immediately slow global warming. And addressing methane waste is one of the easiest ways to cut millions of tons of pollution each year.

Tools like the methane polluter fee encourage oil and gas companies to fix leaks, adopt new low-emission technology, reduce routine flaring and more closely monitor emissions — actions that immediately cut climate pollution.

In short: the methane polluter fee protects our health and climate by holding the oil and gas sector accountable for their excessive pollution. That’s why we need to defend it.

Don’t give oil and gas companies a free pass to pollute! Urge your elected officials to hold our biggest polluters accountable by defending the Methane Emissions Reduction Program.

Thank you for raising your voice,

Wes Rogerson,
Senior Manager, Grassroots Organizing & Activism

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