Dear John,
The devastating wildfires in Los Angeles County that began on January 7, 2025, have sadly caused tens of thousands of people to lose their homes and businesses, and killed dozens of people. This disaster has exposed how our highly flammable plasticized built environment is particularly prone to wildfires. Burnt buildings and municipal infrastructure made of plastic now pollute the air breathed by millions across Southern California, contaminate the region’s drinking water supply, and threaten animals, plants, and ecosystems.
For this roundtable discussion on March 6, 2025, we’ve assembled an expert panel to discuss the increasingly devastating toll of wildfires on human and environmental health in our increasingly plastified world, and how Los Angeles and other regions impacted by wildfires can rebuild in a better, more resistant, and more resilient way.
Joining the discussion will be Silverio Caggiano, Member of International Association of Firefighters Retirees (IAFF); Cassidy Clarity, Materials Researcher, Habitable; and Tevin Hamilton, Coalition Coordinator, Environmental Justice Communities Against Plastics (EJCAP). The discussion will be moderated by Dianna Cohen, CEO & Co-Founder, Plastic Pollution Coalition.
DATE: Thursday, March 6, 2025 TIME: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone.
Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will send you a link to watch the recording afterwards.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested
We look forward to your participation!

Amelia Hanson Project Manager Plastic Pollution Coalition |