Medicaid is an essential lifeline for more than 1 million Alabamians who could not afford health coverage otherwise.
We need leaders who will fight to protect Medicaid and close Alabama's coverage gap.
Advocates from across our state are gathering for Cover Alabama's advocacy day in Montgomery today. Alabama Arise is a proud founding member of the Cover Alabama coalition. If you can't be with us in person, you can add your voice from wherever you are. Email your lawmakers today and urge them to close Alabama's coverage gap!
Closing the health coverage gap for the nearly 200,000 Alabamians who can't afford coverage now will protect hospitals, increase workforce participation, provide health coverage to 5,000 uninsured veterans and improve access to mental health services.
We know that Alabama needs Medicaid expansion, and we know that half-measures that don't guarantee coverage for essential services and preexisting conditions aren't a real solution for the coverage gap. Urge your lawmakers to take action today and expand Medicaid as a meaningful solution to close Alabama's coverage gap.