Tomorrow, Trump’s 2025 budget resolution is scheduled for a first vote in the House.
Republicans are trying to pass MASSIVE cuts to Medicaid, schools, food assistance, and more — all with the explicit goal of giving nearly $1 trillion in tax cuts to billionaires.1
But we have a real shot at blocking them. Here’s how:
First, all 215 Democrats in the House need to hold the line. Then, we just need TWO Republican members to vote in opposition. If we do that, the Trump/Musk budget resolution is dead on arrival.
That’s why we need you to sign up for our phonebank tomorrow from 12-2pm ET. We’ll be talking to voters in Republican-held districts, urging them to call their own representatives and demand that they vote “No.”
Join the phonebank »
And once you’ve signed up (or if you won’t be able to join), add your name to our petition and we’ll let you know how you can keep up the pressure in other ways.
During last week’s recess, hundreds of constituents of vulnerable House Republicans in districts in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin showed up at Congressional offices as part of a wave of actions organized by the Working Families Party. And in other places across the country like Georgia, Oregon, and Oklahoma, Republican town hall meetings erupted into protest over Trump’s seemingly-endless cuts to our social safety net.2
This tells us two critical things:
We are not alone in our outrage. Working families — regardless of political affiliation — are waking up to the reality that Trump and Musk are trying to rob them blind at the behest of billionaires.
These Republicans are well-aware that they are in danger — and that their chances to win again will plummet if they vote to allow Trump and Musk to pillage our Medicaid, Social Security, SNAP, and more.
This is a pivotal moment, John. So please sign up right now for our phonebank tomorrow (Tuesday) from 12-2pm ET.
Or, if you can’t make it, sign our petition to Congress.
In solidarity,
Team WFP
1. House Republican Budget Takes Away Health Care, Food Aid to Pay for Expanded Tax Cuts for Wealthy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, February 21, 2025
2. At town halls, Republicans feel the heat from Trump and Musk's firing and cutting spree, NBC News, February 21, 2025