Protest Trump Tuesday March 4 outside Congress
Trump will go before a joint session of the US Congress to boast about his “accomplishments” – terrorizing immigrants, purging the federal government, defying court orders, gutting the rule of law, threatening any country that doesn’t submit to U.S. power, and much more...
4:00 pm Tuesday March 4 location near The Capitol to be announced
>> You are needed...Volunteer to help organize for and in Washington

Nationwide: Saturday March 8 International Women’s Day 2025
>> host an event where you are
Protest Nationwide to Demand:
Stop the War on Women and LGBTQ People!
The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
Episode 238 dropped Feburary 23: Host Sam Goldman shares clips from voices of conscience who’ve spoken up this past
week before joining producer Mark Tinkleman to dissect and analyze the state of the fascist
ascent one month in. Topics include CPAC, growing protests, and major
moves of the regime this week: their military purge, the terror they’re
unleashing against immigrants, their expanding cuts of federal workers
and extreme threats against judges, politicians, professors, and even
whole cities.
>> Listen
>> Listen on Youtube
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Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402