Hey there,
I want to talk to you about something neat: putting your animal advocacy on autopilot.
I’m JT. Quick intro: I’m a software engineer by trade and have worked in AI for about a decade (yep, before it was cool). My first child was born this year. I like music and art—from the mosh pit to the ballet, traditional tattooing to neoclassical paintings. And I’m a writer: I’ve written two books.
Why do I share all that? Because I’ve got a lot going on, and I can pretty much guarantee you do too.
Ending factory farming is one of the most urgent, crucial causes of our time. And I’ve met some seriously inspiring folks who have dedicated their professional lives to fighting for animals. Perhaps you’re one of them.
But if you’re not one of those people—and if you care deeply about reducing suffering in the world, but you struggle to find extra time to support the causes you care about—starting a monthly gift is an incredible way to help animals every single day, without even thinking about it. And right now, your monthly gift will be matched for six entire months.
If I didn’t make a monthly gift for animals, I’d forget. That’s why I really like being a member of The Heart Beat.
MATCH MY FIRST SIX GIFTS [[link removed]]
Each month, our gifts are fueling The Humane League’s work to tackle the most horrific kinds of animal cruelty at some of the biggest corporations in the world. In the last decade, over 100 million hens have been spared from cruel cages—and policies to protect animals are being passed across the country. The more of us who join The Heart Beat, the more unstoppable we become.
Will you take a quick moment to set up a gift for farmed animals?
MATCH MY FIRST SIX GIFTS [[link removed]]
Thanks for reading. And whatever you do with the rest of your day, know that you’re part of something truly historic: the movement to end factory farming.
Not bad for a Monday.
For the animals,
JT Wolohan
Heart Beat Donor
P.S. No hard feelings if you skimmed this email. I know your time is precious—and I want you to know that one minute of your day, right now, could help change millions of animals’ lives. Will you join me as a member of The Heart Beat?
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We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you. The Humane League is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization ranked "Best In America" by the Independent Charities of America and ranked one of the world's most effective animal protection organizations by Animal Charity Evaluators. Our federal EIN is 04-3817491.
Copyright © 2025 The Humane League, All rights reserved.
The Humane League | PO Box 10476 | Rockville, MD 20849
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