From Josef Lipp <[email protected]>
Subject These are preventable tragedies
Date February 24, 2025 3:06 PM
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Last month, Live Action News reported on the tragic abandonment of an infant in the Bronx, NY. The baby’s mother left her in a bag on a stranger’s doorstep on a frigid December morning and simply walked away. Thankfully, the baby was found in time, and her life was saved.


Last month, Live Action News reported on the tragic abandonment of an infant ([link removed] ) in the Bronx, NY. The baby’s mother left her in a bag on a stranger’s doorstep on a frigid December morning and simply walked away. Thankfully, the baby was found in time, and her life was saved.

Although this story had a happy ending, sadly, many others do not.

I can only imagine the desperation and fear that would drive a mother to abandon her helpless child. Seeing stories like this should stir our compassion and fuel our desire to give parents facing crisis pregnancies the resources needed to confidently care for their babies.

Unfortunately, pro-abortion activists rarely respond in this way. Instead, they often exploit these stories to attack pro-life laws and promote abortion ([link removed] ) as some kind of cure-all to society’s ills.

They claim that if only abortion were legal and available, then women wouldn’t abandon their babies—as if somehow violently dismembering or starving a preborn baby is any less horrific than leaving them to die in dumpsters or on doorsteps after birth.

However, there is a glaring problem with this pro-abortion line of thinking: this baby was abandoned in New York.

In New York, it’s legal to have an abortion during the first 24 weeks, regardless of the reason. Abortion remains legal throughout the rest of pregnancy if it is sought for “health” reasons. Worse yet, last November, the state’s Equal Protection of Law Amendment passed, which contained the troublingly ambiguous language of preventing discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy outcomes,” potentially opening the door to legalized infanticide.

Nothing stood in the way of this woman having an abortion, so if abortion is truly the “solution” to infant abandonment, why are we still seeing these stories come out of pro-abortion states like New York?

The truth is obvious, John. Abortion doesn’t solve a woman’s problems. It just brutally ends the life of her preborn child and leaves her—scarred and traumatized—to deal with the very situation that led her to think she needed abortion in the first place on her own.

Abortion always hurts. It never helps.

Thankfully, there is a real solution to the problem of infant abandonment: Safe Haven Laws.

Every single state in America has a Safe Haven Law, giving parents the ability to anonymously surrender their baby, without penalty, at certain locations, like hospitals, police and fire stations, and even churches. Many states even have Safe Haven Baby Boxes, which further facilitate this process by not even requiring parents to step into a building to do so.

As pro-life advocates, it is imperative that we know about Safe Haven Laws so that we can be a resource to moms and dads in our communities who are facing unexpected pregnancies and need to know about their real options.

Take time today to visit the National Safe Haven Alliance’s ([link removed] ) (NSHA) website to learn about the specific laws in your state. You can also go to [link removed] ([link removed] ) to see if your state has a Safe Haven Baby Box and find the precise location of each one using their Baby Box Locator ([link removed] ) .

When you are finished, make sure to share what you’ve found with those in your life who are unfamiliar with Safe Haven Laws. You never know when this information may be needed to help save a life.

Women in desperate circumstances need real help, not the supposed “quick fix” of abortion. They also need to know that they never, ever need to abandon a child they cannot care for.

Despite the disingenuous attacks of the pro-abortion side, Safe Haven Laws and Baby Boxes do save lives. According to NSHA, nearly 5,000 babies have been saved to date.

Thank you for joining us in spreading awareness of this lifesaving resource!

For Life,

Josef Lipp

Chief Operating Officer

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